Does anyone else feel this way?

  • Thread starter Fliption
  • Start date
In summary, a user expresses their frustration with certain individuals in the philosophy forum who they believe are being disruptive and disrespectful towards others. They question why these individuals are in the forum if they do not appreciate or understand philosophy, and criticize their behavior of constantly posting and insulting others. Another user suggests that the best way to deal with this is through private messages, but the original poster disagrees and believes that this behavior needs to be addressed publicly. The conversation continues with various users sharing their thoughts and opinions on the matter. Overall, there is a general consensus that this behavior is not productive and is hindering the discussions in the forum.
  • #36
Originally posted by FZ+
Let's not gloat too much, shall we?
Mind you, Tom has banned Nathan about 5 times... Where is he nowadays, anyways?

I hope you don't think I am gloating...we work hard, behind the scenes, to avoid having to discipline people. I think public discussion of the mechanics of what causes someone to be banned is important. I would hate for anyone to think that we simply attack anyone who disagrees with us, for instance.
Physics news on
  • #37
Originally posted by FZ+
Mind you, Tom has banned Nathan about 5 times...

I can't ban people. My powers do not extend outside of the Homework Help forum.
  • #38
I know this is NOT the PSYCHOLOGY Forum, but...

Does anybody have an sympathy for this kid?

Can you imagine what he must be like IN PERSON?

Guess there's no way to help him via this medium...but you got to know he's an UNHAPPY PERSON who will be hitting his head against brick walls of his own creation for some time.
  • #40
Let's stop badmouthing him, please.
  • #41
Originally posted by enigma
Let's stop badmouthing him, please.
Alright, you shamed me into deleting my posts.
  • #42
Originally posted by Fliption
Hey that's funny. BTW, I popped into another forum today and saw that LA had been there. This particular forum has a "report" feature at the bottom of each post so that you can report someone if you want to. On his first day in this forum he was clicking away on that button reporting people. Lol. Me thinks he won't be there long.

What other forum?
  • #43
I've seen in some racing forums nice feature. When a person makes a 'fault', admins can put him onto 'yellow flag', ie warning. Everyone sees his 'status'. If he does not react and continues abuse, he gets a 'red flag' for a week. If that doesn't help, ban.
Its good point is that it makes communicating 'mechanics of ban' pretty illustrated. Tighter community. More chances that it won't get too far. Some kids need wider 'gravel deceleration space'
  • #44
Some other forums have a "karma" feature, where moderators can vote up an user's karma. If your karma is on one star... watch out!
  • #45
Well Badmouthing him...any topic about him could be considered that couldn't it? He said in the philosophy forum that people don't have rights. Come on! what is that? And I think quite a few of us have the right to let off some steam I mean if it weren't for BoulderHead, Mentat, Mistress Lilith, and astrnoomer107 I would have left 3 days after he came- permanetley. The guy made a topic against me because *GASP* I'm religous! *double gasp!*
  • #46
I shouldn't say anything because when that happened I was not a member. However, I do agree that LA should have been banned because he caused trouble and he ruined several threads...I do not want to get in trouble so that is all I will say.

Some other forums have a "karma" feature, where moderators can vote up an user's karma. If your karma is on one star... watch out!

If a moderator disliked someone and say one other did too and there were only 7 mods then that would hurt that persons "karma" quite a bit and that means they could overpower the administrator. This is a good system and bad. If it were real life it would be good, like the system of gov. in the US except without the supremem court. However online the mods could overpower the admin couldn't they? They would not be good
  • #47
Originally posted by Nicool003
Well Badmouthing him... I think quite a few of us have the right to let off some steam

He's not around to defend himself anymore, so let's just forget about him, K?
  • #48
Like Les I got fed up and went to the physics forum vowing never to return. But of course I was back tonight.
My real complaint is that he, Alexander, blocks nearly every thread, takes it over and side tracks it usually back to his own mystism. I can't call it logic, philosophy or science. He even Concluded one of mentat's threads for him.(for which I called him on) LA is nearly as bad but if he blocked all of us he had nothing to read but A's ramblings. If he's gone there's no point in talking about it.
Everyone, anyone, PLEASE let me know if I get out of line or become a pain, by PM. I came very close to letting Alexander run me off thinking that it might be a general consensus. Thanks to a couple of you I'm still here even it I am a pain sometimes, but then aren't we all.
  • #49
seriously, i think we should move on with our lives...continuous comments in a public forum about him is only fattening his ego...
  • #50
Originally posted by FZ+
Some other forums have a "karma" feature, where moderators can vote up an user's karma. If your karma is on one star... watch out!
Democracy, hah. It never works. One man must be liable for his judgement with his neck. Given god powers, and if he does wrong, he is 'deballed'. I'm happy with powerful mods. That at least gives personality to a forum style.

I have one more issue that seems confusing to me. Here on forums are many people who are pro scientists mixed with people of very different levels. When you are on top and know the subject inside out, its so easy to sort out what's crap and what isn't. Those top guys too often ignore threads they consider 'childish'. But those people who can't judge if what they are told is scientific or opinion, are easily getting confused.

To cut it short, I miss a way to see that a poster is actually scientist vs student, layman, etc. Often its embarrasing to see that two scientists start pointing each other to high school books.
Perhaps it would be too much hassle, but if mods required subscribers to specify their scientific rank and easily checkable proof, this would create nice reference of 'who is who'.
  • #51
Originally posted by wimms
Democracy, hah. It never works. One man must be liable for his judgement with his neck. Given god powers, and if he does wrong, he is 'deballed'. I'm happy with powerful mods. That at least gives personality to a forum style.

I have one more issue that seems confusing to me. Here on forums are many people who are pro scientists mixed with people of very different levels. When you are on top and know the subject inside out, its so easy to sort out what's crap and what isn't. Those top guys too often ignore threads they consider 'childish'. But those people who can't judge if what they are told is scientific or opinion, are easily getting confused.

To cut it short, I miss a way to see that a poster is actually scientist vs student, layman, etc. Often its embarrasing to see that two scientists start pointing each other to high school books.
Perhaps it would be too much hassle, but if mods required subscribers to specify their scientific rank and easily checkable proof, this would create nice reference of 'who is who'.

As a "layperson" myself, it's on ME to sort out when I'm being misinformed or not. There's plenty of reference materials out there to substantiate or debunk someone's contentions.

I would NOT like to see a hierarchy initiated that puts science-types at the TOP and us right-brainers at the bottom.

Contributions to scientific throught have come from those OUTSIDE the profession...and left to the "grunts" (mathematicians) to prove them right.

So, how many "friends" did I make on THIS particular post?

And, please, somebody tell me what "blocking" is.
  • #52
You can "block" or "ignore" people by adding them to your ignore list. As far as I know this only disallows people from sending you PM's but they can still read your posts and you can still read theirs.

Hope that helps.

P.S. I was not a member on PF 2 however I did read the threads for a month or two and I think you should go on ALexander, we all have different points of view and different beliefs and although I don't support his he does have a right to them. Also he dontated a large sum of money to help keep PF running at one point so if it were not for his help this PF might not be around. for any who missed that fact, greg had a donation page and it said members who donated in the past and who donated in the present. Alexander was in the past colum but I am sure with the sum of money he donated it was another time in which PF needed money to keep it running so perhaps you should keep that in mind before being to hard on him. I have read some of his threads and yes he can be disruptive but next to LA who was a member for 3 weeks and posted things like "I don't know" and harassed people and made a topic against nicool, sent a PM to greg about integral, and block practically everyone on PF, (along with saying something weird and not true about me when I had only been a member for one day), Alexander looks pretty darn good.
Last edited:
  • #53
Originally posted by Shadow
You can "block" or "ignore" people by adding them to your ignore list. As far as I know this only disallows people from sending you PM's but they can still read your posts and you can still read theirs.

Hope that helps.

P.S. I was not a member on PF 2 however I did read the threads for a month or two and I think you should go on ALexander, we all have different points of view and different beliefs and although I don't support his he does have a right to them. Also he dontated a large sum of money to help keep PF running at one point so if it were not for his help this PF might not be around. for any who missed that fact, greg had a donation page and it said members who donated in the past and who donated in the present. Alexander was in the past colum but I am sure with the sum of money he donated it was another time in which PF needed money to keep it running so perhaps you should keep that in mind before being to hard on him. I have read some of his threads and yes he can be disruptive but next to LA who was a member for 3 weeks and posted things like "I don't know" and harassed people and made a topic against nicool, sent a PM to greg about integral, and block practically everyone on PF, (along with saying something weird and not true about me when I had only been a member for one day), Alexander looks pretty darn good.

Thanks for the info, although the "blocking" sounds more "overriding" than "ignore" if blocking means you can't even POST something. Glad I'm wrong.

Re donations of money: I'd be happy to donate something. While others pay for sex, I would pay good money to have people read my ramblings.

And I don't have to worry about "catching something" other than a hair-brained idea ...or two .
  • #54
There have been some very good points made in the last few posts. I too have dreamt of some system where posters could be ranked by post quality and sound physical content. There have been "laymen" who made very meaningful contributions to the board, likewise there have been some knowledable people who have created issues. So I do not think we could possibly rank by claimed backgrounds, only on what is shown here.

I was asked to be a mod, because I do have a certian amount of knowledge of Phyics and Math, I feel it is my job to do the filtering of the Phyiscs forums. I attempt to at least scan every post made. If I feel that a thread is not presenting some meaningful and valid physics it will be locked, moved to Theory Development, or deleted. I do not like the last option and use it only on extreme cases. Hopefully you can read the posts in Physics and not have to worry about the content.

Indeed there are some posters who I feel are more knowledgeable, Tom, Hurykl, Halls of Ivy, and Alexander, with the caveat that Alexander does like to push his line of Philosophy, as long as he is directly answering phyics and math questions his information is good. I like to believe that this is the reason that he is still here.

I have not been posting much since the switch to the new forums, due to time constraints and the fact that there are several very knowledgeabel posters who have been doing a very good job of providing good information, means that I do not have to intervene or provide a answer to a dangling thread. But I still moniter the Forums and have found the time to post more the last few days.

As a side note my work schedual has changed for the summer, I am now working day shift rather then graveyard, on graveyard there were often nights when I could watch the forum closely, such is not the case on dayshift, so my posting from work will be very limited, this coupled with the fact that I will be working 50-60hrs a week tends to limit forum time.
  • #55
i don't know about those people in particular, but i do get a sense of a constant battle going on in a lot of forums. there is a major hierarchy here and a battle for supremisty that i'd just rather stay away from...

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