Magnetic fields and conservation of energy

In summary, the conversation discusses whether charge has weight and how it affects mass and kinetic energy. It is mentioned that only accelerating charges emit radiation, and that a stationary charge does not radiate. The question is also raised about where the energy in a magnetic field comes from.
  • #1
I'm a new teacher to E&M and confess I was a lowly Chemistry Major who needs some help.

A proton and a particle of equal mass without charge are somehow provided equal energy directed, at least at onset, in the form of translational energy. Will the uncharged particle move faster because some of the translational energy of the proton will be used to create a magnetic field around it as it moves?
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  • #2
You're basically (almost) asking, does charge have weight?

The answer is kind-of (look up "self force"). When you accumulate charges together, you increase the electric potential energy of your conglomerate. Since energy is equivalent to relativistic mass, the result is that the conglomerate requires more input of energy in order to increase its speed. So it should be harder to speed up a proton than to speed up the three separate quarks that a proton is made of. A pith-ball speeds up less when its surface acquires a significant deficit or excess of electrons.

If you had asked about a fundamental particle (say, electron vs "neutral fundamental particle with same rest mass as the electron") then classical E&M breaks down (gives infinity) and QM says that the charge contributes zero to the mass of the particle.

A problem with your original question is that one *definition* of mass *is* the amount of energy required to change something's speed. (It may also help avoid confusion if you look up "relativistic mass" vs "rest mass", and whether a hot potato is heavier than a cold one.)
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  • #3
esenor said:
I'm a new teacher to E&M and confess I was a lowly Chemistry Major who needs some help.

A proton and a particle of equal mass without charge are somehow provided equal energy directed, at least at onset, in the form of translational energy. Will the uncharged particle move faster because some of the translational energy of the proton will be used to create a magnetic field around it as it moves?
The self field of a charged particle does not effect the relation between its translational kinetic energy and its velocity. The charged and uncharged particles will have the same velocity.
  • #4
First note that radiation is an electromagnetic wave, and so if a charge emits radiation, then it will lose energy.

A charge moving at constant velocity does not radiate. The way to see this is that the laws of electromagnetism are the same for any reference frames moving at a constant velocity (via a Lorentz transformation). So we can use a reference frame where the charge is stationary. And it's common sense that a stationary charge does not radiate. Since radiation is an electromagentic wave, and given that the speed of an electromagnetic wave is the same in any reference frame, if there is radiation in one reference frame, there is radiation in all reference frames. So there is no radiation, and the charge should not lose energy.

From here we see that only accelerating charges emit radiation. It's also clear that since only reference frames moving at constant velocity are allowed, an charge that is accelerating in one reference frame will accelerate in all reference frames. In fact, all accelerating (or decelerating) charges radiate.
  • #5
clem said:
The self field of a charged particle does not effect the relation between its translational kinetic energy and its velocity. The charged and uncharged particles will have the same velocity.

then where does the energy in the magnetic field come from?

of course, as cesiumfrog said, ' one *definition* of mass *is* the amount of energy required to change something's speed'. maybe that is what you meant.
  • #6
atyy said:
First note that radiation is an electromagnetic wave, and so if a charge emits radiation, then it will lose energy.

A charge moving at constant velocity does not radiate. The way to see this is that the laws of electromagnetism are the same for any reference frames moving at a constant velocity (via a Lorentz transformation). So we can use a reference frame where the charge is stationary. And it's common sense that a stationary charge does not radiate. Since radiation is an electromagentic wave, and given that the speed of an electromagnetic wave is the same in any reference frame, if there is radiation in one reference frame, there is radiation in all reference frames. So there is no radiation, and the charge should not lose energy.

From here we see that only accelerating charges emit radiation. It's also clear that since only reference frames moving at constant velocity are allowed, an charge that is accelerating in one reference frame will accelerate in all reference frames. In fact, all accelerating (or decelerating) charges radiate.

the question wasnt about radiation.
  • #7
granpa said:
then where does the energy in the magnetic field come from?

of course, as cesiumfrog said, ' one *definition* of mass *is* the amount of energy required to change something's speed'. maybe that is what you meant.
As I read the question, I took "provided equal energy directed, at least at onset, in the form of translational energy" to mean that the two particles had equal translational kinetic energy. Your question about the magnetic field energy relates to the fact that more energy input may be required to get the charged particle up to that kinetic energy.

' one *definition* of mass *is* the amount of energy required to change something's speed.'
does not make sense.

FAQ: Magnetic fields and conservation of energy

What is a magnetic field?

A magnetic field is a region in space where a magnetic force can be detected. It is created by moving electric charges, such as electrons, and is represented by magnetic field lines.

How do magnetic fields conserve energy?

Magnetic fields conserve energy by following the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. In a magnetic field, energy is conserved as magnetic potential energy, which is the energy stored in the configuration of the magnetic field.

How does a magnetic field affect charged particles?

A magnetic field can exert a force on charged particles, causing them to move in a circular or helical path. This is known as the Lorentz force, and it is what allows magnetic fields to be used in technologies such as magnetic levitation and particle accelerators.

What is the difference between a magnetic field and an electric field?

While both magnetic and electric fields are created by the presence of charged particles, they have different characteristics. An electric field is created by stationary charged particles, while a magnetic field is created by moving charged particles. Additionally, an electric field can exert a force on both charged and uncharged particles, while a magnetic field can only affect charged particles.

How are magnetic fields used in everyday life?

Magnetic fields have a wide range of applications, from powering electronic devices to medical imaging. They are also used in motors and generators to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, and vice versa. In addition, magnetic fields are used in compasses for navigation and in magnetic storage devices for data storage.
