Solving Wave Frequency & Speed: Questions & Answers

In summary: If you want to solve for wavelength, you need to use the wave equation. If you want to solve for frequency, you need to use the simple relation between frequency, period, and wavelength.
  • #1
Homework Helper
I got this question,

A wave with a frequency of 10 hertz moves at 360 m/s.
Part (a) What is the wavelength of the wave?
Part (b) What is the period of the wave?

I treated this as a deep water wave, and used the equations,

c2 = gl/(2pi)
w2 = gk
c = w/k

to find the wavelength and period of the wave.
But I never used the frequency given (which would imply a period of 0.1 sec) and instead got a period of 231 sec.

Is there something I'm missing?
Is it possible to solve the above question without using deep water equations?
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  • #2
I don't know what those equations mean, but why can't you use the simple relations between frequency, period, and wavelength? They are good for all waves, regardless of type because they are based on the very definitions of the words.
  • #3
I wish I knew what the simple relations were, but those eqns I gave are the only ones I've come across when dealing with waves and the wave equation.

c = wave speed
l is lambda = wavelength
w is omega - angular frequency
k is the wave number

uh, what are the simple relations?
  • #4
Think about it: the units of wavelength are distance. The units for frequency are distance over time. The units for period are just time. So if you have a distance over time and you multiply by a time, what do you get...?
  • #5
Well, I can certainly manipulate T, f and w to give me
w = 2pi.f = 2pi/T
and carry out dimensional analysis etc, but I'm at a loss to see; how does that relate the wavelength to the wave speed in the original problem ?
  • #6
2pi*f? Where are you getting the 2pi? Wavelength is linear, speed is linear.

Through the dimensional analysis:


It really is that simple.
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  • #7
I am using T as period.

f is frequency in cycles per second (cps)

one cycle is equivalent to one circular movement = 2pi radans, so f cps = 2pi.f radians per sec givng the angular frequancy as w = 2pi.f

Are you using p as period, yes? then p = 1/f is the same as my T = 1/f.

But how does the wavelength of a wave relate to its speed?
  • #8
OK, sussed it out.
The frequency given in the problem above is the wave frequency and is the number of waves passing along the surface of the water (per unit time).
The frequency I had been working with was the number of times a wave rises and falls, vertically, in a unit time.

Problem solved.
  • #9
Can you tell me what is the deep water wave equation?
Maybe we can discuss later.
  • #10
Fermat said:
I wish I knew what the simple relations were, but those eqns I gave are the only ones I've come across when dealing with waves and the wave equation.

What textbook are you using that doesn't have [itex]v = f \lambda[/itex] ?

:confused: :bugeye: :eek: :
  • #11
Fermat said:
OK, sussed it out.
The frequency given in the problem above is the wave frequency and is the number of waves passing along the surface of the water (per unit time).
The frequency I had been working with was the number of times a wave rises and falls, vertically, in a unit time.

Problem solved.
Those are two different ways to describe the same measurement.

FAQ: Solving Wave Frequency & Speed: Questions & Answers

1. What is wave frequency and how is it measured?

Wave frequency is the number of complete waves that pass through a point in a given amount of time. It is measured in hertz (Hz), which represents the number of cycles per second.

2. How is wave speed calculated?

Wave speed is calculated by dividing the distance the wave travels by the time it takes to travel that distance. It is represented by the equation speed = distance/time.

3. What factors affect wave frequency and speed?

The frequency and speed of a wave can be affected by the medium it is traveling through, the temperature of the medium, and the properties of the wave itself (such as wavelength and amplitude).

4. How are wavelength and frequency related?

Wavelength and frequency have an inverse relationship. This means that as the wavelength increases, the frequency decreases and vice versa. This relationship is represented by the equation wavelength x frequency = wave speed.

5. How is the speed of a wave affected by the medium it travels through?

The speed of a wave is affected by the density and stiffness of the medium it travels through. In general, waves travel faster through denser and stiffer materials. For example, sound waves travel faster through water than through air.
