What is PF doing having a Politics section

  • Thread starter Nereid
  • Start date
In summary: Sure, not everyone has a concern about astronomy, and some members may even think it 'a good thing' for political appointees to try to impose their ID and creationist views on public pronouncements by NASA scientists, but why so little discussion on this here? I have to agree, it's time for a shift in the P&WA forum here. This is, after all, a forum dedicated to science, so discussion based on politics that affect science and academic pursuits in general should be the primary, if not the sole focus.So why have a "Technology" Forum either? You hardly see any posts in there regarding the way "Technology shapes Physics" Typically its, "can you help me fix
  • #106
alexandra said:
In any case, I just wanted to point out that it is not all contributors to this sub-forum who do the 'bar-room brawl' sort of argument (except, perhaps, occasionally when they are driven to distraction by the lack of logic of those arguing against them) - quite a few contributers are careful to back their views up with evidence. It's just that there's a core group of participants who consistently sabotage them and ignore all evidence presented. Then the whole discussion degenerates into childish name-calling that's a waste of time and unpleasant to read. Perhaps asking people to just be civil to one another and to carefully consider arguments presented and evaluate the evidence provided would help to bring back the more intellectual level of discussion that you mention used to occur here?

I haven't read through all the responses here that were posted overnight and this morning yet, so if someone already responded to this, forgive me for redundancy. We are aware that this is not a problem of all the participants here, not by a long-shot. For those who are careful in their contributions, I don't think they're going to notice any real impact of our changes. It's those with the barroom brawl mentality who are ruining it for everyone, but the difficulty we're having is that as soon as we ban a few of them, a few more show up, so we can't just get rid of them and resume a peaceful existence again.

As for asking them to be civil, yes, that we have been doing. It is because that approach is not at all working that we are stepping up the approach. As Vanesch pointed out, the mentors are pretty well divided on how to handle this forum, but as we're discussing it, new thoughts and ideas are coming to light, and it's helping to have this discussion here and getting input from the P&WA regulars. One thing I think the mentors are agreeing on is that at least some of us are willing to put in the effort to more heavily moderate in the short term with the expectation that once a respectful tone is restored as the norm, we'll be able to relax and let the discussions carry on without as much babysitting in the long-term.
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  • #107
Any moderators actually fancy posting some data on the amount of Reported bad posts in PWA? Us normal members can't see this information, so its harder for us to gauge what you are talking about? From my perception, the amount of flaming etc here is negligable
  • #108
Anttech said:
Any moderators actually fancy posting some data on the amount of Reported bad posts in PWA? Us normal members can't see this information, so its harder for us to gauge what you are talking about? From my perception, the amount of flaming etc here is negligable
You don't notice the problem posts because we usually do a fairly quick *cleanup*, the offending posts are modified or deleted by a mentor before very many people see them. That takes a lot of effort on our part. It's our job to make sure you don't see the disruptive stuff.
  • #109
Sure.. Would you like to show us some stats? I am interested..
  • #110
Anttech said:
Sure.. Would you like to show us some stats? I am interested..
No, we don't log every deleted post.
  • #111
Art said:
I personally have no objection to impartial moderating. I do object when a mentor picks an argument loses it and then 'deletes' his embarrassment. Which goes back to my suggestion if the current moderators see this sub forum as a waste of their time then put in a moderator who's primary interest is politics and who will moderate impartially.

And herein lies the problem. This is exactly the sort of griping the moderators have been continuously putting up with in this forum that is wearing us down. Everyone wants an impartial moderator, and we try to be, but in politics, it seems the moderators are only impartial until they delete someone's posts for personal attacks or insults, or copyright infringement, or making completely unsubstantiated claims presented as fact rather than opinion, or one of the other myriad violations of PFs guidelines we see here every day, then we're suddenly accused of being biased.

I actually see a contradiction in the proposal that someone with a strong interest in politics would be a more impartial moderator. I think, by default, a strong interest in politics comes along part and parcel with a strong opinion on certain views that leads one to be less impartial in their views.

And, because I've heard this same complaint too many times, and seen the accusation thrown about, I think this bears stating clearly and publicly...yes, we do have a few mentors who are very active in this forum, and have made their political views very well-known to everyone. These mentors have also acknowledged to themselves and to the other mentors that they do know they have a bias, and recognize that as a conflict-of-interest in moderating any discussions here. Those mentors do NOT moderate the discussions in this forum. When posts are deleted, it is not because anyone is suppressing an opposing view, it's because they violate PF guidelines. If people cannot discuss a subject without attacking the others in the discussion, or making snarky comments, or derailing threads with their own agenda, the posts get deleted. We used to come through and just edit out the snarky or personal comments, and leave the rest of the content, but this just takes way too much time for anyone, so now we just delete the entire post. People need to be responsible enough to know where to draw the line themselves, and if they can't do that, we're not going to spend any more time cleaning up after them than we absolutely must. When the response to those deletions are more posts accusing the mentors of bias, censorship, and disingenous claims that nothing was wrong with the deleted posts to merit deletion, those responses too get deleted.

If people cannot remain respectful of others in their posts, even when they disagree with them, then we send them packing, just as we do anywhere else on this forum.

We do have mentors who run quite the full spectrum of political views. This is the closest we can get to impartiality, by having opposing views balanced among the mentors.
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  • #112
Its a mysql DB this forum, probably there is a log for purged DB entries..
  • #113
Anttech said:
Its a mysql DB this forum, probably there is a log for purged DB entries..
Well, I'll put it this way. "NO". :smile:
  • #114
I think that is a "NO" you won't do it, interesting I can't think of any reasons why not, it would put people minds to rest
  • #115
Anttech said:
I think that is a "NO" you won't do it, interesting I can't think of any reasons why not, it would put people minds to rest
I doubt it. So, you're implying that you think we are lying about the number of reported posts, and amount of cleanup? You don't believe us, but if we show you some numbers, you're going to believe us? :rolleyes:

If the amount of time and effort wasn't really a problem, why do you think we're discussing ways of trying to reduce the amount of time and effort? :confused:
  • #116

I am not implying anything! I want to quantify what you are saying! Sorry I don't see the problem in what I am asking for! I didnt anywhere say I don't believe that you have to delete posts. Again I just want to gauge the problem for myself.

You don't believe us, but if we show you some numbers, you're going to believe us?

What exactly are you saying here? Let me get this straight, I don't believe you and I am just trying to "annoy" you in some way? This is what you think

Sorry you lost me on this one...:confused:
  • #117
Anttech said:
Sure.. Would you like to show us some stats? I am interested..
Here are the stats I'm willing to tally up for you, but which greatly underestimate the problem, because they don't reflect posts the mentors caught before they were reported, or the fact that post reports from P&WA usually report just one post in a series of posts that are problematic, unlike post reports from the other forums that typically involve a single off-topic, or problematic post that has not degraded into multiple posts requiring deletion.

I just did a quick tally from this week of post reports (from 2/6 to today...I didn't feel like counting more than that). Rounding to whole numbers, 39% of the post reports were from P&WA, all of them requiring moderator action in the form of post deletions, warnings or both, and were not things like spam or other advertising that does not reflect actions of the regular membership. Of the remaining post reports from the other forums, 13% were not bad posts but either errors (someone new accidentally reporting a post instead of replying to it) or homework problems that needed to be moved to an appropriate homework forum, which are very minor issues. Another 17% of those non-P&WA posts were all generated in a very short time due to multiple reporting of a single person causing problems in multiple forums. The remaining 30% were spam and posts of crackpot theories, both of which are handled very quickly and easily. And, as I said before, this does not include the posts the mentors have deleted in P&WA without generating a post report (if you could see this forum from the eyes of the mentors, with the numerous "post deleted" places inserted among the threads, you'd get even more of a perspective of the extent of the problem.
  • #118
Moonbear! Thank you :)
  • #119
Anttech said:
Moonbear! Thank you :)
Ha, you fell for it! :biggrin:

<just kidding>
  • #120
Big bad Greg here. I'm going to go close this up and ship it off to Feedback. I think everyone has had the chance to voice their opinion. Now the thread is just slowing down the decision making. The P&WA forum will stay, however expect a couple new policies that will tighen things up. These new policies will help make the forum easier and more efficent to moderate. We feel the policies will be in the best interests of PF in the long run and we hope you respect that.

I am encouraged by the passion of the responses in this thread. We all want to keep PF in it's golden age and the responses in this thread show it.

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