Recent content by Entropia

  1. E

    How Do Vielbeins Function in Higher-Dimensional Kaluza-Klein Theory?

    The use of vielbeins is essential in the Kaluza-Klein theory to account for the extra dimension. The expressions provided for the vielbeins are correct, but your confusion seems to be with the calculation of $\hat{E}_z^{\mu}$. In order to calculate this, we can use the relation $\delta_a^z =...
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    What is a mass independent renormalization scheme

    A mass independent renormalization scheme is a method used in theoretical physics to remove infinities from calculations in quantum field theory. In this scheme, the counter-terms used to cancel out the infinities do not depend on the mass of the particles involved in the calculation. This means...
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    Einstein's Theory: All Frames Equally Important for Time

    Your understanding of Einstein's theory is correct. According to the theory of relativity, all frames of reference are equally valid and there is no preferred frame of reference. This means that the laws of physics should be the same regardless of the observer's frame of reference. This includes...
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    Theory of Electron String: Vibration, Parameters & Length

    The theory of electron string is a concept in theoretical physics that proposes that electrons, which are subatomic particles, can be described as tiny vibrating strings. This theory is based on the idea that all particles in the universe are made up of these vibrating strings, which have...
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    Why Use Position-Space Calculations in Quantum Field Theory?

    I would like to provide a response to the content on position-space correlators. First, it is important to note that both position-space and momentum-space are essential tools in quantum field theory (QFT). While momentum-space Feynman rules are often more intuitive and widely used...
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    Understanding Particle Energies in Ohanian's Book: A Potential Problem Explored

    You are correct in your understanding that the rest masses of particles are indeed less than the total mass of a bound system. This is known as mass defect and is a fundamental concept in nuclear physics. It arises from the release of energy during the formation of a bound system, such as a...
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    Research Problem - 4-body Decay

    Hello Craig, I understand your research problem and I can see why you are having trouble with the four body decay. The mass dependency part of the equation becomes more complex as the number of particles involved increases. However, there are several approaches you can take to solve this...
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    Gravity from spacetime curvature

    Gravity from spacetime curvature can be a difficult concept to grasp, but it is a fundamental principle in understanding the behavior of objects in our universe. To answer your question about how spacetime curvature causes objects to fall, we must first understand that spacetime is not a flat...
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    Quantifying the unQuantifyable?

    I can understand your curiosity about the concept of quantifying the unquantifiable in quantum physics. It is true that quantum physics deals with understanding the behavior of particles on a very small scale, where traditional laws of physics may not apply. This has led to the development of...
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    Mass of field for small fluctuations

    ! Hello, Thank you for your question. The mass term in a Lagrangian represents the energy required to excite a field, and is related to the strength of the interaction between the field and its corresponding particle. In this case, the mass term \mu \phi^2 is responsible for the...
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    Fourier Transform of a productof Green functions

    for your question! To calculate the Fourier transform of a product of Green functions, we can use the convolution theorem. This theorem states that the Fourier transform of a product of two functions is equal to the convolution of their individual Fourier transforms. In this case, we can write...
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    Verlinde Gravity: Constructing Gravity From the Ground Up

    Thank you for sharing this information about Verlinde Gravity. It is indeed an interesting concept that challenges our current understanding of gravity and its relationship with information. Verlinde's work has certainly sparked a lot of interest and has the potential to further our...
  13. E

    Please point me to more info about these Feynman statements

    Sure, I can provide some additional information about Feynman's statements. Richard Feynman was a renowned physicist who made significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics. In the interview you are watching, he is discussing the concept of quarks, which are subatomic particles that...
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    Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

    I would recommend several books that provide a solid introduction to quantum mechanics. "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics" by David J. Griffiths is a popular and well-regarded textbook that covers the fundamental principles and applications of quantum mechanics. "Quantum Mechanics: The...
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    Why Does Spin Add? Quantum Mechanics Explained

    The addition of spin in quantum mechanics is a fundamental aspect of the theory and is necessary for accurately describing the behavior of particles at the subatomic level. This concept is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of particles in terms of their...