Recent content by felipebm

  1. F

    Mathematica ParametricPlot and log scale axes in Mathematica

    You're welcome. Anyway it shouldn't be that hard, isn't it? ;)
  2. F

    Mathematica ParametricPlot and log scale axes in Mathematica

    This is the code as I use it: (* Y-axis has log ticks *) Clear[step,y1,y2,yticks,yticks2]; step=1; (* step in logs *) y1=0; (* initial value with a label - log *) y2=4; (* last value with a label - log *)...
  3. F

    Mathematica ParametricPlot and log scale axes in Mathematica

    Maybe this can help: I'd tried it with a simple function (10^x) by just replacing the Plot function with a ParametricPlot[{x,Log[10,10^x]},{x,0,10}] and it worked just fine. Hope this does it.
  4. F

    Mathematica ParametricPlot and log scale axes in Mathematica

    Hi, I do not understand well the problem, but I suppose you are missing to apply the Log[] function to the functions which you want to plot logarithmically. Example: ParametricPlot[{b (1 - b^2)^(-1/2), Log[10, EnergyScint[b]]}, {b, .1, .999}, PlotRange -> All] This will create a SemiLog...