Recent content by klasse35

  1. K

    With all news of element 117 being a step closer to the Island of stab

    Sorthal, thankyou for sharing this illustrative chart. that's a very nice graph of the upper end of the table of Elements and Isotopes. I suppose, there is also somewhere the lower end to be found ? As Nr. 117 is already more or less in the middle of that little island of semistables, there...
  2. K

    Need help to understand the reason behind the sunset effect seen here

    1994Bhaskar. When and where exactly was the picture taken ? Looks like a Space-Rocket-Start after sunset with the clouds at differenmt layers, with - as Simon points out, the dark cloud as deepest already out of the sun-light, closest and lowest.
  3. K

    Is it Possible to Stop a Tornado with Explosives?

    Davenn, I noticed, my reply where I had given some literature by knowledgeable and reputated Authors was cut-off. So here is my copied end of that short message: ... And as the initial H2O gives off some steam, containing such Organic Volatiles (i.e. Carbonated mixture of Hydrogens, Oxygens...
  4. K

    Is it Possible to Stop a Tornado with Explosives?

    One could bet sb. would find a way to distract from the point of my Argument. Discrediting an argument by 'mythical electrostatics' is to prevent anybody think about the implication of the facts given. To which point do You want to have the Literature used , Dave ? Biological Dangers of...
  5. K

    Is it Possible to Stop a Tornado with Explosives?

    Hello, as a Newby on this forum I have found here with Solkars #7, Ophiolite #8, .Scott#26 and 29 and SimonBridge’s comments some very interesting hints & links to my own questions, which had already initiated me to do as .Scott had suggested lately. Here I want to add three points. 1...