I heard that one can solve 2D problem with conformal mapping of complex numbers.
Is it possible to use this method for 3D axial-rotationally symmetric problems (which are effectively 2D with a new term in the differential equation)?
Homework Statement
"Study the infinitesimal behavior of f at the point c. (In other words, use the conformal mapping theorem to describe what is happening to the tangent vector of a smooth curve passing through c.)"
f(z) = 1/(z-1), c=i
Homework Equations
|f'(c)| and arg f'(c)...
When trying to solve one problem (my own, not an exercise), I encountered the need for a conformal mapping between a square [0,1]^2 and a triangle (0,0)-(1,1)-(2,0), so that the side (0,0)-(0,1) of the square gets mapped into a point (0,0), and the three other sides become the sides of the...
Is it possible to transform an ellipse
x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1 ("a" minor or major semiaxis)
Into a rectangle?
If so, how can I do it? I am not very familiar so please explain all the details. I know the transformation from a circle to an airfoil, but not this one.
Hi everyone,
Let me set the scene. I'm writing a program to model the flow of an ideal fluid around various singularities using the complex potential and then using conformal transformations to map boundaries into new shapes. It's very nearly done but one of the transformations (what appears...
I would appreciate if someone could explain Conformal Mapping using Complex Analysis using an example. I get the rough idea but have no clue how complex analysis comes into the picture.
Thank You!