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Unfortunately,there are to many nonsense in a field of so called ANTIGRAVITY.Constructors are basing them ideas onto following hypothesis:
Falling down(of the material things) is something normal, natural,inevitable, physical fact... and logic.
Ergo: something illogical, absurduous or irrelevant to physics laws
will necessary levitate !?
This is "theoretical" base of the great majority of projects of antigravitational devices.
""Theoretical"" base of such projects is in fact a MIRACLE.
In difference to the other cca 60 000 project and ideas of antigravitational devices, my project of "antigravitational" (GRAVIFUGAL) device is UNIQUE project based in consistent scienticfic theory, mathematicaly deduced from physics laws.
It is my opinion that antigravitational force does not exist. Instead of it there is GRAVIFUGAL force This force is calculated and confirmed by gravimetrical measurements, and spining gyroscopes.
It seems the Theory on gravifugal force is the first afirmative scientific theory on ""ANTIGRAVITY"" based in classical physics and able to explaine why the spining gyroscopes loos a very small particle of its weight, or its falling down slightly slower. Without GRAVIFUGAL THEORY is not possible neither believe in existence or facticity of those facts.
For more,CLEARER and EASIER to understand, please see at the site:
Since the ring of Gravifugal device drawn at my site: has to be made by carbon fiber, it could decrease its weight max. per 5% The ring made by nano-tubes will enable the craft to levitate.
Gentleman, I am expecting your skeptical opinions.
Petar Bosnic Petrus
P.S. Objection regard of normality of falling down of material things:
Our ordinary experience tell us: "Material things are necessary, or inevitable falling down."
Scientific experience shows us that Astronauts are levitating regard Earth during them orbiting arround Earth.
The Moon is also levitating regard Earth.
Earth is levitating regard Sun.
Arms of galaxies are levitating regard its cores.
Electrons are levitating regard atom nucleis.
Whole material universe (Due to gravifugal, and electrofugal force) is in fact levitating in itself.
The things are falling down only in a very small number of places in universe - there where its angular and linear velocity (of orbiting) is to low to enable them to levitate.
It is not speculation, than rather well known physical and astronomical fact.
Explanation of those facts at site:
I confess the term "gravifugal" is not term of classical physics, But it is absolutely in a frame of classical phy. Introducing this term in science I have slightly enlarged the frames of class. phy. Gravifugal force is in fact reaction to the action of gravipetal force (gravipetal force is gravity functioning as centripetal force). However, astronauts which are orbiting Earth are levitating due to gravifugal force. In a case of levitation of astronauts is erroneus to say: they are levitating due to "centrifugal force" because that term is to general, or to large. There are several pairs of centrifugal and centripetal forces:
All of these forces was deduced my mathematical apparatus of class. phy. Because of it, above distinctions can be regarded as an enlargement of class. phy. science.
Every known force can function as a centripetal force, and has inevitable reaction in centrifugal direction. The terms CENTRIFUGAL AND CENTRIPETAL are only denominations of direction of actioning - toward center or away of it.
So called antigravity is in fact gravifugal force.
Gravifugal force is ih fact reaction to the action of gravipetal force - manifestation of mass inertia.
Gravipetal force itself is a gravity functioning as centripetal force.
Equation for calculating gravipetal force is:
Fgp = GMm/R2 - mv2/R ,
for gravifugal force: Fgf = mv2/R ,
where G is gravitational constant; M is mass of Earth; m is observed mass; v is its linear velocity; R is distance from center of Earth.
Gravifugal force (erroneous known as a derivative of geocentrifugal force - cos. phy) produced by rotation of Earth, was measured in a highest degree of accuracy and AT ALL GEOGRAPHICAL LATITUDES -from 0 to 90 degree. Result of meassurements are in absolute accordance with results of above equation.
Additionaly: it was proven by numerous falling spining gyroscopes, but, unfortunately with small results (values), and without any understanding of physical cause of that phenomena.
For more, clearer, and easier to understand, please see at site:
Thank you for your patient
Falling down(of the material things) is something normal, natural,inevitable, physical fact... and logic.
Ergo: something illogical, absurduous or irrelevant to physics laws
will necessary levitate !?
This is "theoretical" base of the great majority of projects of antigravitational devices.
""Theoretical"" base of such projects is in fact a MIRACLE.
In difference to the other cca 60 000 project and ideas of antigravitational devices, my project of "antigravitational" (GRAVIFUGAL) device is UNIQUE project based in consistent scienticfic theory, mathematicaly deduced from physics laws.
It is my opinion that antigravitational force does not exist. Instead of it there is GRAVIFUGAL force This force is calculated and confirmed by gravimetrical measurements, and spining gyroscopes.
It seems the Theory on gravifugal force is the first afirmative scientific theory on ""ANTIGRAVITY"" based in classical physics and able to explaine why the spining gyroscopes loos a very small particle of its weight, or its falling down slightly slower. Without GRAVIFUGAL THEORY is not possible neither believe in existence or facticity of those facts.
For more,CLEARER and EASIER to understand, please see at the site:
Since the ring of Gravifugal device drawn at my site: has to be made by carbon fiber, it could decrease its weight max. per 5% The ring made by nano-tubes will enable the craft to levitate.
Gentleman, I am expecting your skeptical opinions.
Petar Bosnic Petrus
P.S. Objection regard of normality of falling down of material things:
Our ordinary experience tell us: "Material things are necessary, or inevitable falling down."
Scientific experience shows us that Astronauts are levitating regard Earth during them orbiting arround Earth.
The Moon is also levitating regard Earth.
Earth is levitating regard Sun.
Arms of galaxies are levitating regard its cores.
Electrons are levitating regard atom nucleis.
Whole material universe (Due to gravifugal, and electrofugal force) is in fact levitating in itself.
The things are falling down only in a very small number of places in universe - there where its angular and linear velocity (of orbiting) is to low to enable them to levitate.
It is not speculation, than rather well known physical and astronomical fact.
Explanation of those facts at site:
I confess the term "gravifugal" is not term of classical physics, But it is absolutely in a frame of classical phy. Introducing this term in science I have slightly enlarged the frames of class. phy. Gravifugal force is in fact reaction to the action of gravipetal force (gravipetal force is gravity functioning as centripetal force). However, astronauts which are orbiting Earth are levitating due to gravifugal force. In a case of levitation of astronauts is erroneus to say: they are levitating due to "centrifugal force" because that term is to general, or to large. There are several pairs of centrifugal and centripetal forces:
All of these forces was deduced my mathematical apparatus of class. phy. Because of it, above distinctions can be regarded as an enlargement of class. phy. science.
Every known force can function as a centripetal force, and has inevitable reaction in centrifugal direction. The terms CENTRIFUGAL AND CENTRIPETAL are only denominations of direction of actioning - toward center or away of it.
So called antigravity is in fact gravifugal force.
Gravifugal force is ih fact reaction to the action of gravipetal force - manifestation of mass inertia.
Gravipetal force itself is a gravity functioning as centripetal force.
Equation for calculating gravipetal force is:
Fgp = GMm/R2 - mv2/R ,
for gravifugal force: Fgf = mv2/R ,
where G is gravitational constant; M is mass of Earth; m is observed mass; v is its linear velocity; R is distance from center of Earth.
Gravifugal force (erroneous known as a derivative of geocentrifugal force - cos. phy) produced by rotation of Earth, was measured in a highest degree of accuracy and AT ALL GEOGRAPHICAL LATITUDES -from 0 to 90 degree. Result of meassurements are in absolute accordance with results of above equation.
Additionaly: it was proven by numerous falling spining gyroscopes, but, unfortunately with small results (values), and without any understanding of physical cause of that phenomena.
For more, clearer, and easier to understand, please see at site:
Thank you for your patient
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