Are Colloids Solid or Liquid and What Modulus is Used to Measure Them?

  • #1
are they solid/ liquid?
bulk modulus or shear modulus to be used?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
I don't know. What?
  • #3
hmmm they are not a solid or a liquid. It's a classification of a mixture, not the state of the substance. Thus, a collid is mostly comprised of a liquid, while it has solid particle actually dispersed in it, no in the liquid form.

Now with moduls to use...that's a pure physics question and not certain. I would imagine it would be bulk, with some minor corrections.


(you know that most water in the ocean and our rivers are colloids)
  • #4
A colloid is a mixture of a gas with a solid or liquid dispersed in it. (FOG) Also a liquid with solid dispersed. If you can shine a beam of light through it and see the beam it is a colloid.
  • #6
PeteGt said:
(you know that most water in the ocean and our rivers are colloids)
Are they? Colloids don't sediment. It is supposed to be a stable mixture of substances in different phases.
  • #7
Whats the scientific term for colloids?
  • #8