- #1
So a human is made of cells. It is essentially a city or society of cells that live together. There is no such thing as human, it's just a bunch of cells. So human is just a natural phenomenon, an emergent property. In addition, a cell is just a bunch of atoms. I.e. a collection of atoms obeying physical laws. There is no such thing as human, just matter and physical laws.
Surely in this case Earth, the planet, is just a society of living things. A collection of humans and other stuff. Therefore, can the Earth think and is it self aware? What is that phenomenon called?
Furthermore, if I am just a natural phenomenon, then surely I don't exist in the physical sense, because physically I'm just atoms obeying natural laws. I am a clustering of energy. In this case, when I die, what happens is that the energy that makes up me changes state, and possibly changes vibration frequency.
Surely in this case, there must be a physical law that wants the energy to not change state, which then translates to I not wanting to die.
In addition, it is clear that advanced civilizations as such do not exist, because even us are just made up of atoms that are governed by physical laws. It just depends on what level of abstraction you look at: the atom level, the cell level, the human level, the Earth level, the Universe level. Life as we know it must be simply a natural phenomenon.
For example, how do we know that the Sun cannot think and experience itself and it's not an advanced civilization? Maybe the Sun looks at us and all it can see is just a bunch of chemical reactions on this planet, some chemical stuff. Consciousnesses is just one type of natural phenomenon. There are a lot of other phenomena out there that may be perceived as experiences, such as fusion.
What I'm getting at is that we as such do not exist. We are just a bunch of atoms obeying physical laws, a clustering of energy. We are no different that any other thing in the universe, for example a rock orbiting a planet, or some gas fusing in a star. How do we know what it's like to be a rock?
So as we can see physically 'we' do not exist. Which comes to the fact as to what is consciousness, because that's the only thing that matters to us. Consciousness is a complex interaction of matter in the universe. It is a relationship between things.
Now is there more to consciousness than physical things? If it is the phenomenon of clustering of energy by a definite way. This means the whole Universe is fitted to letting consciousness emerge. Now if everything is energy and consciousness is just a state of energy, then why is it not possible for us to experience the whole universe in every way? Or do we experience it and thus does the universe only exist in our mind? Maybe consciousness is a phenomenon that needs the whole universe to be arranged in a specific way so that it can exist. Consciousness is the universe.
Unless there's something out there that we don't know about, which is likely. Our mind cannot comprehend it. Life and Death is an illusion, it's just energy changing state. I never live and I never die, I always exist with the universe. I and the universe are the same.
It's weird why we are stuck at this abstraction level. We don't think in terms of atoms or cells or ecosystems, but we think in terms of humans. I really would like to know what it feels like to be Earth, with creatures being my cells. I also wonder what it feels like to be a cell. I should know since I'm made up of cells, but yet I don't. Similarly, the Earth must not know either what it takes to be human.
If this didn't make sense, it could be. It's just me trying to understand what I am, but I doubt it that I can. I doubt anyone can truly understand what they are. We have no idea what it is that we in fact are. You just don't know. Not a clue. Impossible. What does it mean to actually 'understand'? Is that another natural phenomenon?
I have wants, I have will. But does my will just reflect natural laws acting on matter? Does an electron 'want' to orbit around a proton? Is it the same desire that we feel when we want to do something?
Surely in this case Earth, the planet, is just a society of living things. A collection of humans and other stuff. Therefore, can the Earth think and is it self aware? What is that phenomenon called?
Furthermore, if I am just a natural phenomenon, then surely I don't exist in the physical sense, because physically I'm just atoms obeying natural laws. I am a clustering of energy. In this case, when I die, what happens is that the energy that makes up me changes state, and possibly changes vibration frequency.
Surely in this case, there must be a physical law that wants the energy to not change state, which then translates to I not wanting to die.
In addition, it is clear that advanced civilizations as such do not exist, because even us are just made up of atoms that are governed by physical laws. It just depends on what level of abstraction you look at: the atom level, the cell level, the human level, the Earth level, the Universe level. Life as we know it must be simply a natural phenomenon.
For example, how do we know that the Sun cannot think and experience itself and it's not an advanced civilization? Maybe the Sun looks at us and all it can see is just a bunch of chemical reactions on this planet, some chemical stuff. Consciousnesses is just one type of natural phenomenon. There are a lot of other phenomena out there that may be perceived as experiences, such as fusion.
What I'm getting at is that we as such do not exist. We are just a bunch of atoms obeying physical laws, a clustering of energy. We are no different that any other thing in the universe, for example a rock orbiting a planet, or some gas fusing in a star. How do we know what it's like to be a rock?
So as we can see physically 'we' do not exist. Which comes to the fact as to what is consciousness, because that's the only thing that matters to us. Consciousness is a complex interaction of matter in the universe. It is a relationship between things.
Now is there more to consciousness than physical things? If it is the phenomenon of clustering of energy by a definite way. This means the whole Universe is fitted to letting consciousness emerge. Now if everything is energy and consciousness is just a state of energy, then why is it not possible for us to experience the whole universe in every way? Or do we experience it and thus does the universe only exist in our mind? Maybe consciousness is a phenomenon that needs the whole universe to be arranged in a specific way so that it can exist. Consciousness is the universe.
Unless there's something out there that we don't know about, which is likely. Our mind cannot comprehend it. Life and Death is an illusion, it's just energy changing state. I never live and I never die, I always exist with the universe. I and the universe are the same.
It's weird why we are stuck at this abstraction level. We don't think in terms of atoms or cells or ecosystems, but we think in terms of humans. I really would like to know what it feels like to be Earth, with creatures being my cells. I also wonder what it feels like to be a cell. I should know since I'm made up of cells, but yet I don't. Similarly, the Earth must not know either what it takes to be human.
If this didn't make sense, it could be. It's just me trying to understand what I am, but I doubt it that I can. I doubt anyone can truly understand what they are. We have no idea what it is that we in fact are. You just don't know. Not a clue. Impossible. What does it mean to actually 'understand'? Is that another natural phenomenon?
I have wants, I have will. But does my will just reflect natural laws acting on matter? Does an electron 'want' to orbit around a proton? Is it the same desire that we feel when we want to do something?