Bell Inequality & Quantum Mechanics: Exploring Violation & Its Significance

In summary, the Bell inequality does not confirm quantum mechanics, but it does demonstrate that no theory with Local Hidden Variables can match the predictions of QM. The only theory that has survived this is the de Broglie-Bohm Interpretation, which is currently on the same empirical footing as QM. However, the violation of Bell's inequality by SQM remains a mystery.
  • #1
Does the Bell inequality confirms the quantum mechanics? If answer is yes, why the violation of Bell inequality is more famous?
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  • #2
efaizi said:
Does the Bell inequality confirms the quantum mechanics? If answer is yes, why the violation of Bell inequality is more famous?

It doesn't confirm QM, but it does claim that no theory with Local Hidden Variables can match the predictions of Quantum Mechanics. The only theory to survive the move from locality to Non-Locality with their Hidden Variable(s) intact is the de Broglie-Bohm Interpretation, which is empirically on the same footing as QM for now.

Of course, SQM violates Bell's Inequalities, soooo... ?! Who knows.

FAQ: Bell Inequality & Quantum Mechanics: Exploring Violation & Its Significance

What is the Bell Inequality?

The Bell Inequality is a mathematical expression that tests the relationship between local hidden variables and quantum mechanics. It was developed by physicist John Stewart Bell in the 1960s as a way to determine if quantum mechanics could be described by local hidden variables.

How does the Bell Inequality relate to quantum mechanics?

The Bell Inequality is used to test the validity of quantum mechanics by comparing it to the predictions of local hidden variable theories. If the inequality is violated, it suggests that quantum mechanics is a more accurate description of reality than local hidden variable theories.

What is a violation of the Bell Inequality?

A violation of the Bell Inequality occurs when the predictions of quantum mechanics differ from those of local hidden variable theories. This suggests that quantum entanglement, a key principle of quantum mechanics, cannot be explained by local hidden variables and supports the idea that quantum mechanics is a more accurate description of reality.

Why is the violation of the Bell Inequality significant?

The violation of the Bell Inequality is significant because it confirms the validity of quantum mechanics and disproves the idea of local hidden variables. This has important implications for our understanding of the fundamental nature of reality and has led to advancements in fields such as quantum computing and cryptography.

How is the Bell Inequality tested and what are the current results?

The Bell Inequality is tested through experiments that measure the correlations between entangled particles. The current results show that the Bell Inequality is consistently violated, supporting the validity of quantum mechanics. However, there have been ongoing debates and further experiments are still being conducted to fully understand the implications of the Bell Inequality.

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