Understanding the Vector Spaces in Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper

In summary, the bra-ket expression includes the bra-complex conjugate of a state, <n(R)|, along with a ket |∇n(R)>. This results in a 3-vector that is integrated to obtain another vector.
  • #1
I am examining Berry's original 1984 paper of geometrical phases. I am having trouble understanding a portion of it, however (which is attached as a photo). In particular, equation (6) appears to have a bra-ket expression which includes the bra- complex conjugate of a state, <n(R)|, along with a ket |∇n(R)>. My question is, how is the resulting expression (the integral over space? of the product of these functions) another vector (as it must be since it is included in a line integral)?


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  • #2
I think this is a sloppy notation and instead of |n(R)> it should read ψn(R)
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  • #3
[itex] \nabla _\mathbf{R} [/itex] is a vector operator, so it's really a 3-vector containing the derivative operators. Your result is therefore a 3-vector too. I personally don't like this notation, as it mixes basis dependent operators with basis independent formalism. I would even call it broken, but some people seem to like it and find the intended meaning to be "obvious enough".
  • #4
Yes, but how is a 3-vector (the result of del oeprating on the ket vector) integrated (since it is included within a bra-ket) to obtain yet another vector (as it is dotted with the line differential)?

Is this a non-standard bra-ket integration?
  • #5
Syrus said:
Yes, but how is a 3-vector (the result of del oeprating on the ket vector) integrated (since it is included within a bra-ket)?
Is this a non-standard bra-ket integration?

Not sure what you mean, but it seems you misunderstand something fundamental there. The result of <n_R|\nabla_R n_R> is a 3-vector of complex numbers. That 3-vector is then line integrated with dR.
  • #6
This is my reasoning:

-Bra-ket expression denote integration over all space (or so I read).
-The notion of integrating nablaR acting on (what must be a scalar) ket produces a vector quantity, which is then multiplied by the bra- expression, and then integrated over all space.
-However, space integrals produce scalar (not vector) quantities. But a vector is needed since a dot product exists.I hope this helps you understand where my mistake arises.

In particular, how does the bra-ket expression result in a complex 3-vector?
  • #7
Syrus said:
-Bra-ket expression denote integration over all space (or so I read).

A combination of a bra and a ket in this order describes an inner product on the vector space of quantum states. Integration only comes in if you expand the inner product in a continuous basis.

-The notion of integrating nablaR acting on (what must be a scalar) ket produces a vector quantity, which is then multiplied by the bra- expression, and then integrated over all space.

Not integration, just the inner product. Since nabla is a vector really you get 3 distinct inner products with three scalar results that form a vector with 3 components again.

-However, space integrals produce scalar (not vector) quantities. But a vector is needed since a dot product exists.

Like I just said, you get 3 scalar products because nabla is a vector operator. Like this: <a |*(d/dx,d/dy,d/dz) |b> = (<a|d/dx|b>,<a|d/dy|b>,<a|d/dz|b>).

This vector is then dotted with dR and integrated along the closed loop.
  • #8
Ah, thank you Jazzdude. It seems I need to better familiarize myself with the notion of inner product. The phys chem 2 notion of bra-ket was probably simplified to idiocracy (as is the case with most concepts treated in undergrad cirriculae)- hence my misleading.
  • #9
Now I remember.

|n(R)> is not a ket with which depends on coordinates R; R is the set of parameters. Sorry for the confusion.

Let's make an example.

Consider a Hamiltonian

[tex]H[\vec{B},\Phi_0] = \frac{1}{2m}\left(\vec{p}-q\vec{A}\right)^2 +qV[/tex]

for a particle in a uniform magnetic field B derived from a vector potential

[tex]\vec{A} = \frac{1}{2} \vec{B} \times \vec{r}[/tex]

and an electric potential

[tex]V(r) = \Phi_0\,u(r)[/tex]

Then the parameters for A and V define a 4-dim. parameter vector

[tex]\vec{R} = \{B_i, \Phi_0 \}[/tex]

For each set of parameters we define the eigenstates

[tex](H[\vec{B},\Phi_0] - E[\vec{B},\Phi_0])\,|\psi[\vec{B},\Phi_0]\rangle = 0[/tex]

In Berry's phase what matters is how the eigenstates depend on the parameters and how this affects the time evolution of a state when the parameters vary slowly with time (adiabatic approximation). To study this effect one has to calculate the integral

[tex]\gamma_\psi[\mathcal{C}] = \int_{\mathcal{C}} dR\,\langle |\psi[\vec{R}]| i\nabla_R |\psi[\vec{R}]\rangle [/tex]

where C is a curve in the parameter space

[tex]\vec{R} = \{B_i, \Phi_0 \}[/tex]
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  • #10
Tom.stoer, thank you for the helpful information. Can you expand on the 4 dimensional parameter vector R you define above? Is this supposed to be regarded as (some kind of) function of these parameters?
  • #11
what do you mean by "expand"?
  • #12
I'm sorry, can you elaborate. I also edited my previous post a bit. Which four parameters are these? Are they B, r, r and phi?
  • #13
As I said

tom.stoer said:
... the parameters ... define a 4-dim. parameter vector

[tex]\vec{R} = \{B_i, \Phi_0 \}[/tex]

with i=1,2,3. Three constants B1, B2 and B3 for the magnetic field and one for the electric potential. These are simply four parameters in the definition of the Hamiltonian. They are constants. Perhaps it's confusing to use the letter R which seems to indicate that it has something to do with a position; it hasn't.

Let's make another example, the d-dim. anisotropic harmonic oscillator

[tex]H[\vec{\omega}] = \frac{\vec{p}^2}{2m} + \frac{m}{2}\sum_{i=1}^d \omega_i^2 x_i^2[/tex]

with i=1,2,...d. Now the d-dim. parameter vector is simply

[tex]\vec{R} = \{\omega_1,\omega_2,\ldots,\omega_d\}[/tex]

The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues depend on these parameters, that means for different frequencies we get different wave functions and different energies.

Again: the parameter vector R and a position space vector x have nothing to do with each other
  • #14
Ah, I see. So if the parameter vector is a function of time (as is the case in Berry's paper), then its components must also be functions of time. Is this true?
  • #15
Yes, the parameters become time dependent in Berry's approach
  • #16
Tom.Stoer, I understand the concept of R(t). However, how is the nabla operator enacted on a vector (or vector-based quantity) such as, for instance, n(R(t))?

I am familiar with the del operator acting on scalar functions.

For example, the inner product in (6) yields a complex scalar (by the definition of inner product of a complex vector space). but how can this be dotted with the line differential?
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  • #17
Think about a simple, finite-dimensional example where e.g. a fermion (with fixed location i.e. with vanishing momentum) is coupled to a uniform magnetic field with components Bi, i=1,2,3 using Pauli matrices σi:

[tex]H[B_i] = \mu\sum_i\sigma_iB_i[/tex]

The Schrödinger wave function is replaced by an algebraic equation

[tex](H[B_i]-E[B_i])u{[B_i]} = 0[/tex]

where u is a 2-component spinor (w/o dependency on x,y,z) representing the fermion spin.

There are two solutions, i.e. eigenvectors u1,2 and eigenvalues E1,2 for a 2*2-matrix eigenvector problem (with a=1,2 numbering the solution - just another index ;-).

Each solution ua can be written as 2-component spinor

[tex]u[B_i] = \begin{pmatrix} u_+[B_i] \\ u_-[B_i] \end{pmatrix} [/tex]

where each component depends on the parameters Bi. That means that for different magnetic field strengths you get different solutions to the 2*2-matrix eigenvector problem.

Solutions to this problem can be found in many QM textbooks, e.g. Sakurai.

In order to follow Berry's approach you have to calculate

[tex]a_k[B_i] =\begin{pmatrix} u^\ast_+[B_i] \\ u^\ast_-[B_i] \end{pmatrix} i \frac{\partial}{\partial B_k}\begin{pmatrix} u_+[B_i] \\ u_-[B_i] \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

where i=1,2,3 indicates that the three functions ak with k=1,2,3 still depend on the magnetic field Bi.

The next step would then be to calculate the integral for a specific curve C in the 3-dim. B-space.
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  • #18
Yes, but you've simply taken the partial derivate (in your last expression), not the gradient? Does the spinor not represent |n(R(t))> here?
  • #19
There are three partial derivative k=1,2,3 resulting in three functions ak. This is the gradient!

[tex]\nabla_{{}_B} = \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial B_k} \right)[/tex]

You are right, the spinor u represents |n(R)>; I simply wanted to provide an example where the gradient does not act on an abstact ket |n(R)> but on something that is rather familiar to everybody and that can be calculated directly w/o taking gradients in infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces ;-)

R represents the parameters for B.

Note that up to now I have not introduced any time-dependency, therefore I omitted the 't'
  • #20
Ah, but then shouldn't the resulting quantity be, in a sense, a (3 component) vector including the differentiated spinors?
  • #21
Syrus said:
Ah, but then shouldn't the resulting quantity be, in a sense, a (3 component) vector including the differentiated spinors?

There is a scalar product for the spinors.

Let's look at k=1 for B1

[tex]a_1[B_i] =\begin{pmatrix} u^\ast_+[B_i] \\ u^\ast_-[B_i] \end{pmatrix} i \frac{\partial}{\partial B_1}\begin{pmatrix} u_+[B_i] \\ u_-[B_i] \end{pmatrix} = u^\ast_+[B_i] i \frac{\partial}{\partial B_1} u_+[B_i] + u^\ast_-[B_i] i \frac{\partial}{\partial B_1} u_-[B_i][/tex]

The same applies to k=2,3. You have three equations for k=1,2,3 and therefore you have three functions ak
  • #22
So does ∇R refer to simply one partial derivative? Namely, that with respect to R? Or is this the gradient with partial derivative with respect to the parameters contained in R?
  • #23
I'm interested in seeing what the expression∇R|n(R(t))> looks like in your example above, and how the direct product with <n(R(t)| is taken.
  • #24
Syrus said:
So does ∇R refer to simply one partial derivative? Namely, that with respect to R? Or is this the gradient with partial derivative with respect to the parameters contained in R?
Are you familiar with the gradient? There are three partial derivatives ∂k w.r.t. the three components Bk. These three partial derivatives define the gradient in B-space (in my example) or in R-space (in the general case). What is unclear? What is missing?

Syrus said:
I'm interested in seeing what the expression∇R|n(R(t))> looks like in your example above, and how the direct product with <n(R(t)| is taken.
This is shown explicitly in post #21. Instead of the symbol |n(R)> I use u[Bi] just to indicate that:
- we are not using an abstract ket |n> but a two-dim. object u
- we are not discussing the general R-space but a rather specific example with parameters Bi

You apply the ∂k to each component u±; each u± is a function of the parameters Bi; then you calculate the scalar product. Again: What is unclear? What is missing?

The formal replacement is just

[tex]\langle n(R)|\nabla_R|n(R)\rangle \;\to\;a_k[B_i];\,k=1,2,3[/tex]

Do you have problems with the algebra? It seems that you miss a rather trivial point how to differentiate vector-valued functions or something like that.
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  • #25
Jesus, you are obtuse. [itex]\vert n(\mathbf{R}(t) \rangle[/itex] is a state ket, a vector in a Hilbert space, that depends on a set of time dependent (but slowly varying in the adiabatic approximation) set of parameters, that are grouped as a k-dimensional vector (with k being the number of parameters) [itex]\mathbf{R}[/itex]. The symbol [itex]\nabla_{\mathbf{R}}[/itex] refers to differentiating the state ket w.r.t. each parameter, i.e. it becomes "a vector of kets". If there is one parameter, this vector has only one ket component. For example, look at the stationary wavefunctions for a particle in a box:
\psi_{n}(x) = \langle x \vert n \rangle = \sqrt{\frac{2}{a}} \, \sin \left( \frac{n \, \pi \, x}{a} \right)
Here, a is a parameter. Different w.r.t. it, we get
\langle x \vert \nabla_{a} \vert n \rangle = -\frac{1}{a \, \sqrt{2 \, a}} \, \sin \left( \frac{n \, \pi \, x}{a} \right) - \frac{n \, \pi \, x}{a^2} \, \sqrt{\frac{2}{a}} \, \cos\left( \frac{n \, \pi \, x}{a} \right)
Now, if you want to take a scalar product with another bra, you have to integrate w.r.t. x from 0 to a.
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  • #26
If I did the integrations correctly, my answer is
\langle n \vert \nabla_{a} \vert n \rangle = \int_{0}^{a}{dx \, \psi^{\ast}_{n}(x) \, \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial a} \psi_{n}(x) \right)} = -\frac{5}{2 a}
  • #27
Your "complication" comes from the overuse of the term "vector" in two different contexts.

I guess he decided to erase his last post.
  • #28
Dickfore said:
The symbol [itex]\nabla_{\mathbf{R}}[/itex] refers to differentiating the state ket w.r.t. each parameter, i.e. it becomes "a vector of kets".

This is what I was getting at. Thank you.
  • #29
It seems the notion I was lacking was that nabla acting on a ket vector in Hilbert space yields another vector in hilbert space (I hope).
  • #30
Syrus said:
It seems the notion I was lacking was that nabla acting on a ket vector in Hilbert space yields another vector in hilbert space (I hope).
  • #31
Syrus said:
It seems the notion I was lacking was that nabla acting on a ket vector in Hilbert space yields another vector in hilbert space (I hope).

Yes it does. Think about the partial derivative:
\frac{\partial}{\partial R_i} \, \vert n(\mathbf{R}) \rangle \equiv \lim_{t \rightarrow 0} \frac{\vert n(R_1, \ldots, R_i + t, \ldots, R_n) \rangle - \vert n(R_1, \ldots, R_i, \ldots, R_n) \rangle}{t}
Since the expression in the limit is always a linear combination of two kets, it must be a ket (that is what is meant by the Hilbert space being a linear space). Thus, every partial derivative is a ket. You may treat these partial derivatives as COVARIANT components of a gradient in some n dimensional metric space. This metric space may be curved, depending on the nature of the parameters.
  • #32
Syrus said:
It seems the notion I was lacking was that nabla acting on a ket vector in Hilbert space yields another vector in hilbert space (I hope).

No, it yields a vector of hilbert space vectors. You have to understand that there are two vector spaces here, one for states, one for parameters.

1. What is the main concept behind Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper?

The main concept behind Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper is the geometric phase, which describes the changes in a quantum system's wave function as it undergoes adiabatic evolution. This phase is independent of the system's energy and is dependent on the path taken by the system in its evolution.

2. What are vector spaces and how do they relate to Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper?

Vector spaces are mathematical structures that represent a set of mathematical objects called vectors. In Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper, vector spaces are used to describe the state of a quantum system and how it evolves over time.

3. How does the concept of vector spaces help in understanding Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper?

The concept of vector spaces allows us to mathematically represent the state of a quantum system and its evolution. This helps in understanding the geometric phase and how it is affected by the path taken by the system.

4. What are the key equations in Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper?

The key equations in Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper are the adiabatic theorem, which describes the evolution of a quantum system, and the Berry phase formula, which calculates the geometric phase based on the path taken by the system.

5. How does understanding vector spaces in Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper contribute to the field of quantum mechanics?

Understanding vector spaces in Berry's Geometrical Phase Paper is crucial in the field of quantum mechanics as it provides a mathematical framework for describing and predicting the behavior of quantum systems. It also helps in understanding the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics, such as superposition and entanglement.

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