Can I Purchase a CD-ROM of Old Physics Forum Posts?

  • #1
[SOLVED] old school forum?

Does anyone know about a previous Physics Forum that I thought at one point i came across in my web travels which was similar to this one and that had a way of, purchasing for a 20 dollar donation, a CD rom of all that has been written in the posts?
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  • #2
YUP! The physicsforums, aka PFs, that you speak of is PF 2.0. We moved to this, bigger, faster service with vBulletin(sp?). Now, this is PFs 3.0. And you can still donate to help Greg Bernhardt keep PFs up on the net.
  • #3

Yes, there used to be an old school forum called "Physics Forums Archive" that offered a CD-ROM of all the posts for a $20 donation. However, it is no longer active and has been replaced by the current Physics Forums website. The CD-ROM is no longer available, but you can still access all the old posts on the current website. I hope this answers your question.