Can Multidimensional Space Time Exist?

In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of multidimensional space-time and its implications. The concept is difficult to grasp, but some believe it could exist just like creatures in the book Flatland cannot conceptualize up and down. Some authors have explored this idea in relation to the Kaluza-Klein theories, and the book "Hyperspace" by Michio Kaku is suggested as a resource for further clarification. The conversation also mentions the idea of an endless ensemble of dimensions in our universe.
  • #1
I just wanted to know that do u guys think that Multidimensional Space Time can exist. I know the theories can permit this but i am curious to what it would be like in a place having 2/3 D Time matrix. How will onw relate to an event. I also wanted to know that whether any of u guys can suggest a Book/Article which can clarify the problem of Multidimensional Space Time.

Girish Aneja
Astronomy news on
  • #2
If I understand you then yes I do. If we can move in 3 space dimensions with no ill effects why can't others move in 3 time dimensions with no ill effects? It is a difficult concept to grasp but I kind of think if it like the book Flatland. There are creatures that think there is no third space dimension so essentially there is no up and down. They actually cannot conceptualize being above or below someone.

Much in the same way we cannot conceptualize moving in time in a different direction than forward. Maybe there is such a thing as moving sideways in time or over in time. I really don't know what those things may mean but that doesn't mean it can't exist.

It is a little mind boggling to say the least. OF course I am sure this will bring a barrage of people talking of causality and stuff like that but think of someone in Flatland. I am sure they have some kind of causal problems with trying to go above or below things.
  • #3
Some twelve years ago, the question about multidimensional cosmologies (Demianski, Sokolowski et al.) was a very actual topic, related with the Kaluza-Klein theories. Some authors did in fact consider these extensions to solve the Einstein equations, and they usually obtained the dimensional reduction. It is a plausible assumption, though we will probably never be able to precise the exact space where we live in.
  • #4
multidimensional time/space

The book is by Michio Kaku...can't remember the title. Shouldn't be too hard to find, though. mrmason
  • #5
The book is by Michio Kaku...can't remember the title. Shouldn't be too hard to find, though

Hyperspace is the name of the book I think.
  • #6
Our universe has an endless ensemble of the dimenmensions coming from amount of objects inwardly it. This effect of equivalence of Space- Energy - Time.

FAQ: Can Multidimensional Space Time Exist?

What is multidimensional space-time?

Multidimensional space-time is a theoretical concept that describes space and time as being intertwined and existing in more than the traditional three dimensions. It suggests that there are additional dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) and the one temporal dimension (time).

How many dimensions are there in multidimensional space-time?

The specific number of dimensions in multidimensional space-time is still a topic of debate and exploration. Some theories propose up to 11 dimensions, while others suggest even more.

How does multidimensional space-time impact our understanding of the universe?

Multidimensional space-time provides a framework for understanding the complexities of the universe and how it functions. It can help explain phenomena that cannot be accounted for in traditional three-dimensional space, such as gravity and the behavior of subatomic particles.

Are there any practical applications of multidimensional space-time?

While multidimensional space-time is largely a theoretical concept, it has potential practical applications in fields such as physics, cosmology, and computer science. For example, it could aid in the development of advanced technologies and help us better understand the origins and structure of the universe.

How is multidimensional space-time related to string theory?

String theory is a theoretical framework that attempts to reconcile the laws of quantum mechanics and general relativity. It suggests that the fundamental building blocks of the universe are not particles, but tiny strings vibrating in multiple dimensions of space-time. Therefore, multidimensional space-time is a crucial component of string theory and helps to explain its principles.

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