Christmas card list -- refreshing my address book

In summary, a Christmas card list is a list of names and addresses of people you plan to send Christmas cards to. It is important to refresh your address book for this list to ensure that you have the most up-to-date information for your contacts. This should be done at least once a year, before the holiday season begins. Some ways to refresh your address book include reaching out to contacts directly, checking social media profiles, or using a virtual address book service. Even if you use online services, it is still necessary to double-check and make sure all of your contacts have the correct information to avoid any mistakes during the holiday season.
  • #1
Gold Member
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I have lost all my addresses for my Christmas cards to be sent, would you please PM your addresses so i can send you a card, I will gladly send a card to anyone who was not on my original list.

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  • #2
I sent you a Christmas card when I sent most of my internationals off a few days ago, to the address you supplied me last year. I'll PM you my address.