Connecting wave equation with a non-constant force only in bounds

In summary, to mix the two concepts, you would use boundary conditions that reflect the nature of the bounds and incorporate the external force.
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TL;DR Summary
How to apply a specific force only in the bounds of the wave equation
Hi hi, I'm confused about how to mix this two concepts, actually the wave equation:

##\frac {\partial^2 u} {\partial t^2} = v_x^2 \frac {\partial^2 u} {\partial x^2} + v_y^2\frac {\partial^2 u} {\partial y^2} + force##

The equation will apply the rule all over the space, but I have the next conditions that I don't know how to mix:
  • Inside the bounds there is no external force, so, only apply the wave equation alone
  • In the bounds there is a force applied all the time (not necessary constant), let's say is a vector over u, x, and y.
I'm confused how to mix this two physics concepts to one.

My idea for now is use Dirac Delta in the bounds with a force vector, but I don't know if is valid or the only way.

There is a point about the bounds, and is their nature, I don't know very well how construct this in the model, here two examples:
  • If out of the bounds there is nothings the wave should not be reflected
  • If we consider in the bounds there is a wall the wave will collide and will be reflected, there we have other system
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  • #2
The way to mix these two concepts is to use boundary conditions. Boundary conditions are conditions that are imposed on the solution (in this case, the wave equation) at the boundaries of the domain. For example, if you have a wall in the bounds, then you could impose a Dirichlet boundary condition, which states that the solution must equal a certain value on the boundary. If there is nothing outside the bounds, then you could impose a Neumann boundary condition, which states that the normal derivative of the solution must equal a certain value on the boundary. In order to incorporate the external force into the model, you would need to include it in the boundary conditions.

FAQ: Connecting wave equation with a non-constant force only in bounds

What is the wave equation and how does it relate to non-constant forces?

The wave equation is a mathematical formula that describes the propagation of a wave through a medium. It relates to non-constant forces by incorporating them into the equation as a function of position, rather than a constant value. This allows for a more accurate representation of the wave's behavior in a real-world scenario.

Why is it important to consider non-constant forces in the wave equation?

In many real-world situations, forces acting on a wave are not constant. For example, a wave traveling through a medium with varying density or a wave interacting with obstacles in its path. Considering non-constant forces allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the wave's behavior and can lead to more accurate predictions and solutions.

How do you incorporate a non-constant force into the wave equation?

A non-constant force can be incorporated into the wave equation by adding it as a function of position, typically denoted as F(x). This function can then be substituted into the equation in place of a constant force value.

What are the limitations of connecting the wave equation with a non-constant force?

One limitation is that the wave equation may become more complex and difficult to solve when incorporating non-constant forces. Additionally, the accuracy of the solution may depend on the accuracy of the chosen non-constant force function, which can be challenging to determine in some cases.

Can the wave equation with a non-constant force be applied to all types of waves?

Yes, the wave equation with a non-constant force can be applied to all types of waves, including mechanical, electromagnetic, and quantum waves. However, the specific form of the non-constant force function may vary depending on the type of wave and the properties of the medium it is traveling through.
