Could Suicidal Black Holes Evolve Due to Their Charge and Hawking Radiation?

In summary: That wave is created by the motion of the charges, and is always travelling in a particular direction. When you put a charged black hole in a binary system with another charged particle, the black hole will attract that second particle, and the two charges will start to exchange energy. That energy will eventually be released in the form of Hawking radiation.
  • #1
Ok, so I was thinking, if charge is conserved in the singularity of a black hole, you could have a black hole with a net charge one way or another. And then you could treat the black hole as a charged particle and in a binary system it could actually produce an em-wave. Then thinking further if a net charge did exsist the EM is strong enough to attract the opposite charge and the black hole could not maintain a net charge for a long period. But if it was in an area isolated enough to have a charge for some extended period of time, then would it become suicidal, that is would Hawking radiation kill it more quickly to even out the charge, in turn making it less massive, and in turn making it more likely to radiate. Just some thoughts.
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  • #2
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if it produced EM radiation, wouldn't that radiation just be sucked back into the black hole?
  • #3
Hawking radiation isn't EM radiation, its particle loss. A virtual particle becomes a real particle, and escapes the black hole with its mass.
  • #4
Greetings !

Well, I'm not certain about the EM part, but your
idea is interesting. I suppose that with a
sufficiently large charge to mass ratio the
Hawking radiation could be a considrable effect
for a while. I wonder if there will be some
effects on the EM field from the BH.

Live long and prosper.
  • #5
I know about Hawking radiation, and how that all works, but you said:
And then you could treat the black hole as a charged particle and in a binary system it could actually produce an em-wave.
Wouldn't the EM radiation that it emits just be reabsorbed? Then the energy loss would be lessened. Also, would a charged black hole necessarilly emit more Hawking Radiation? If I'm not mistaken, that's a random event that has no relation to the outside environment.
  • #6
Mark726, I don't believe the EM wave ever exits the black hole.
  • #7
Greetings !

I think there will be more Hawking Radiation
because the electric field will be able to
pull some virtual particles from the zero
point fluctuations just like the gravitational
field does.

Again, I'm not certain about EM waves but I think
they should be created. If a BH has an electric
charge then in a relativly accelerating reference
frame it has to produce EM waves, just like
the normal electric and magnetic fields in
a stationary and in a constant relative velocity
frames respectivly. Otherwise, it'll be violating
a whole bunch of laws and besides the EM waves
are not created "inside" particles so they
shouldn't be created inside a BH either -
the inside potential should be the same and the
charge should distribute itself along the surface -
just like a simple conducting sphere, I think. :wink:

Live long and prosper.
  • #8
All I know is that there is a possibility that if you overcharge a black hole, two of its horizons end up canceling each other out in some burst of energy and leaving behind a naked singularity (traversible wormhole?)
  • #9
Originally posted by mark726
I know about Hawking radiation, and how that all works, but you said: Wouldn't the EM radiation that it emits just be reabsorbed? Then the energy loss would be lessened. Also, would a charged black hole necessarilly emit more Hawking Radiation? If I'm not mistaken, that's a random event that has no relation to the outside environment.

No, energy isn't being released when you treat it like a charged particle. Its like if you take any charged particle, and shake it up and down, a distant observer sees an induced em field, or light wave

FAQ: Could Suicidal Black Holes Evolve Due to Their Charge and Hawking Radiation?

What is a suicidal black hole?

A suicidal black hole is a theoretical concept in astrophysics where a black hole has consumed all matter in its vicinity and is now emitting Hawking radiation at a rate that exceeds the rate at which it can absorb matter. This causes the black hole to slowly lose mass and eventually "evaporate" or disappear.

Can we observe suicidal black holes?

Currently, there is no observational evidence for the existence of suicidal black holes. However, some scientists believe that the supermassive black hole at the center of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A*, may exhibit characteristics of a suicidal black hole in the distant future.

How do suicidal black holes form?

Suicidal black holes are thought to form from the collapse of a massive star. As the star runs out of fuel, it can no longer support its own mass and collapses into a black hole. Over time, the black hole can consume all surrounding matter and enter the "suicidal" state.

Are suicidal black holes dangerous?

While suicidal black holes may seem dangerous due to their ability to consume matter, they do not pose a threat to our galaxy or Earth. They are extremely small in comparison to the size of the universe and are not a concern for human safety.

How do scientists study suicidal black holes?

Since suicidal black holes cannot be observed directly, scientists use mathematical models and simulations to study their behavior and potential effects on the surrounding environment. They also look for indirect evidence, such as the emissions of Hawking radiation, to support the existence of suicidal black holes.
