Determining OpenGL Version & Upgrading w/ C++

  • C/C++
  • Thread starter Pauly Man
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of OpenGL in C++, with one person expressing their enthusiasm for it and another asking about multitexturing. It is suggested that the person download new OpenGL drivers and check their graphics card's support for hardware OpenGL acceleration. They are also given a link to a list of OpenGL extensions. The conversation also touches on the history of OpenGL and the challenges of using extensions due to Microsoft's involvement.
  • #1
Pauly Man
I am playing around with opengl using C++, and think it is awesome.

But I have a question. I was looking at a tutorial on multitexturing, and when I ran the program it told me that my version of opengl doesn't support it. How do I determine which version of opengl I have, and how do I go about getting a newer version?
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  • #2
Download new OpenGL drivers -- what OS are you using? Does your graphics card support hardware OpenGL acceleration?
  • #3
PM me your email address and I'll send you a program that tells you everything about your opengl driver. The manufacturer can write a driver for your video card that supports certain opengl extensions. multi-texturing is made possible by ARB_multitexture extension. Look here for a list of extensions

Every now and then Opengl gets upgraded and basically they take a bunch of ARB extensions ( architecture review board extensions, these are the ones that almost every manufacturer's new cards will support ) and make them part of core opengl. If it weren't for SGI making a pact with the devil ( microsoft ) back in the day, driver manufacturers could simply make Opengl 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 whatever drivers and you would only have to use extensions for bleeding edge video card features ( multitexturing is part of the 1.2 core ). But that can't happen because MS is responsible for maintaining the opengl32.dll in your system folder and aparently its illegal for the video card driver writers to overwrite it and MS won't update it past version 1.1 so everything new since 1.1 has to be done with extension, which isn't bad at all compared to using DirectX.

  • #4
I just started using OpenGL as well, and I like it a lot. :)

FAQ: Determining OpenGL Version & Upgrading w/ C++

How can I determine which version of OpenGL my computer supports?

To determine the OpenGL version on your computer, you can use the glGetString() function. This function takes in a parameter that specifies which information to retrieve, in this case, GL_VERSION. The function will return a string that represents the OpenGL version on your computer, such as "4.6.0".

What is the difference between OpenGL versions?

The main difference between OpenGL versions is the new features and enhancements that are added in each version. Newer versions may have better performance, more advanced graphics capabilities, and improved compatibility with modern hardware. It is important to check which version your computer supports and which version your application is compatible with.

How can I upgrade my OpenGL version in C++?

To upgrade your OpenGL version in C++, you will need to update your graphics card drivers. The OpenGL version supported by your computer is determined by the graphics card, not the programming language. You can check for driver updates on the manufacturer's website or through your computer's device manager.

Can I use multiple versions of OpenGL in the same program?

Yes, it is possible to use multiple versions of OpenGL in the same program. This can be achieved by using an OpenGL loading library, such as GLEW or GLAD, which allows you to load the specific functions and extensions for each version of OpenGL that your program requires.

Are there any compatibility issues when upgrading to a newer version of OpenGL?

While OpenGL is designed to be backwards compatible, there may be some compatibility issues when upgrading to a newer version. These issues can arise from deprecated features or changes in the way certain functions work. It is important to thoroughly test your application after upgrading to ensure it runs smoothly on the new version.

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