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Does the Corioulis force effect our blood cycle[?]
Originally posted by MajinVegeta
Does the Coriolis force, in any way, pertain to the centrifugal force of the earth?
Originally posted by Mulder
You get a Coriolis acceleration in addition to Centrifugal for example on a plane flying round the Earth - that is when you have something moving inside a rotating frame. For the 'person on the equator' example, only a centrifugal acceleration is acting because he's standing still. If that's what you're asking? Happy to try to explain better/further if you want...
Originally posted by MajinVegeta
Does the Coriolis force, in any way, pertain to the centrifugal force of the earth? Should "Coriolis" even be capitalized? If so, why?
In Feynman notes Vol I Chapter 19 Richard points out that Centrifugal force is radial while Coriolis Force is tangential.
In Chap 20 of Vol I he gets real when he reminds us that because angular momentum is a dipolar phenomenon, interaction with other dipoles demands vector cross-product, which gives perpendicular torque when the loop is inertial and perpendicular dipolar magnetism when the loop is electrostatic.
Originally posted by Mulder
The 'w' here in '-2mw x v' is the angular velocity of the Earth ie the Earths velocity / Earth radius, a constant 7.27e-05 radians per second. Forget relativity, this is good ole' Mechanics
So if you have a circle of radius 2, start at one point on the circumference, and start walking, you will have traveled an angle of one radian when you have walked a distance of 2.
Originally posted by MajinVegeta
so the radius=radian?? Hmm...not from what I remember. So I must have misunderstood. Can you give me the formula? (it'd give me a better idea)