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Authors: N. Panagia (1), S.M. Fall (2), B. Mobasher (1), M. Dickinson (3), H.C. Ferguson (2), M. Giavalisco (2), D. Stern (4), T. Wiklind (1) ((1) ESA/STScI, (2) STScI, (3) NOAO/Tucson, (4) JPL)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters
We examine the possible reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) by the source UDF033238.7-274839.8 (hereafter HUDF-JD2), which was discovered in deep {\it HST}/VLT/{\it Spitzer} images obtained as part of the Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey and {\it Hubble} Ultra-Deep Field projects. Mobasher et al (2005) have identified HUDF-JD2 as a massive ($\sim6\times10^{11}M_\odot$) post-starburst galaxy at redshift z$\gtrsim6.5$. We find that HUDF-JD2 may be capable of reionizing its surrounding region of the Universe, starting the process at a redshift as high as z$\approx 15 \pm5$.
Authors: N. Panagia (1), S.M. Fall (2), B. Mobasher (1), M. Dickinson (3), H.C. Ferguson (2), M. Giavalisco (2), D. Stern (4), T. Wiklind (1) ((1) ESA/STScI, (2) STScI, (3) NOAO/Tucson, (4) JPL)
Categories: astro-ph
Comments: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters
We examine the possible reionization of the intergalactic medium (IGM) by the source UDF033238.7-274839.8 (hereafter HUDF-JD2), which was discovered in deep {\it HST}/VLT/{\it Spitzer} images obtained as part of the Great Observatory Origins Deep Survey and {\it Hubble} Ultra-Deep Field projects. Mobasher et al (2005) have identified HUDF-JD2 as a massive ($\sim6\times10^{11}M_\odot$) post-starburst galaxy at redshift z$\gtrsim6.5$. We find that HUDF-JD2 may be capable of reionizing its surrounding region of the Universe, starting the process at a redshift as high as z$\approx 15 \pm5$.