Energy window for wien2wannier

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TL;DR Summary
using wien2wannier as an interface between Wien2k and Wannier90 to obtain maximally localized Wannier functions from Wien2k calculations.
Hi all, I hope someone can help me with this:

I am working with wien2wannier to obtain Wannier functions from wien2k calculations, but I am struggling to define the energy window needed for the init_w2w.

The outputfind file shows emin = -999.00 eV, emax = 999.00 eV, and efermi = 0.6124 Ry. However, when I use these values, I receive the following error message:

findbands -all [-999.0 999.0]

../x_lapw: No match.

If you can provide any help, I would be thankful.

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