Epistemology, metaphysic, ethics

  • Thread starter vptran84
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In summary: You are on the right track. A book would be a good place to start, but you can also search for articles or other resources on the internet.
  • #1
Hello all,

How are the metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics of each philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Materialism, Sophists/Skepticism) connected or related to one another?

Any help would be appreciated.
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  • #2
Could you get a little more specific?
  • #3
Metaphysics: Dualism-the belief that there are two realities in the universe; spiritual/intellectual and physical/perceptual
Epistemology: Rationalism-the belief that knowledge comes from reasoning in the basis of inborn ideas (not sense perception)
Ethics: the strive to turn away from physical pleasures, and get back to the true reality-the spiritual world of true goodness and knowledge.

Metaphysics: One reality-the natural world which includes body and soul/mind/consciousness/spirit.
Epistemology: Empiricism-the belief that knowledge comes from reasoning on the basis of sense-perception.
Ethics: Happiness on Earth is achieved by being a good/virtuous person.

Metaphysics: only the physical world is real, "mind/soul" is just what the brain does.
Epistemology: Empiricism-the belief that knowledge comes from reasoning on the basis of sense-perception.
Ethics: what matters is happiness in this physical life.

Metaphysics: No reality except people's opinions/experiences etc.
Epistemology: Skepticism-starts with epistemology,-knowledge is impossible. (only opinions)
Ethics: anything goes; you can live however you want to live.

So how are the metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics of each philosophy are connected to one another?
  • #4
That's not what I meant. I'm relatively familar with the metaphysics, epistemology, and ethical thought of these schools, but explaining something as broadly encompassing as the "connections" between each would take a book - probably multiple books. Is there really nothing more specific that you are looking for?
  • #5
no, i just want to know the explanation of how these are related/connected to one another. sorry if I am being too broad
  • #6
It would probably be best to find a book of comparative philosophy. I read a book a while back that discussed each of the major philosophical movements and the manner in which they seem to have influenced each other. It was about four or five hundered pages and far from comprehensive but it gave a basic outline.
  • #7
vptran84, is this a question you have been assigned in school?
  • #8
Metaphysics restricts and tells us about epistemology. Ethics is based on metaphysics and likely epistemology if mental states etc are of value. But epistomology tells us what and how we we can know about metaphysics so it's kind of odd in that way.

Are you looking for something similar to this? I'm sure if you are, you want something much more specific and with reasoning behind it, but am I on the right track?

FAQ: Epistemology, metaphysic, ethics

What is the difference between epistemology and metaphysics?

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that deals with the nature and scope of knowledge, while metaphysics is the branch that deals with the nature of reality. Epistemology focuses on how we know things, while metaphysics focuses on what exists and the nature of existence.

How do ethics and morality differ?

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with what is considered to be right and wrong, while morality refers to the principles and values that guide an individual's behavior. Ethics is a more abstract and theoretical concept, while morality is more practical and personal.

What is the role of reason in epistemology?

Reason is considered to be the primary tool for acquiring knowledge in epistemology. It is through reasoning and critical thinking that we can evaluate and justify our beliefs and determine what is true and what is not.

How do metaphysics and science relate to each other?

Metaphysics and science are closely related, as both seek to understand the fundamental nature of reality. However, metaphysics deals with abstract concepts and questions that cannot be answered through empirical evidence, while science relies on observation and experimentation to understand the physical world.

What is the role of morality in ethical theories?

Morality plays a crucial role in ethical theories as it provides the principles and values that guide our actions and decisions. Many ethical theories, such as utilitarianism and deontology, are based on moral principles and aim to determine what is morally right or wrong in different situations.
