Experiments to describe the band structure of bulk (solid) materials?

In summary, there are several techniques used to experimentally determine the band structure of solid materials, including photoelectron spectroscopy and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). ARPES is a widely used technique that allows for the mapping of band dispersion and has been used to verify band structure and surface states in materials such as Be and Mo.
  • #1
Experiments to describe the band structure of bulk (solid) materials?

I just want to know the name of some of the most used techniques to describe or obtain information of how the band structure of the material is. Not by theorethical calculations, just experiments.

For example, let say I construct the following experiment. I put my sample on a heater and I put a fiber optic or a detector/photomultiplier to detect the photons that the material emits. Let say I have a good equipment that can diferentiate the photons by their energies, or wavelenghts. So in the end, by substracting the noise, the absence and the continuity of photon energy can tell me some information on how is the band structure of certain material. Right or wrong? If this technique already exist, how is it called?
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  • #2
One technique that is quite prevalent is photoelectron spectroscopy (typically qualified with some sort of angular resolution involved in the experiment).

I somewhat remember doing an experiment as a wee undergrad where we did a band gap measurement for a diode by seeing how voltage and current varied with temperature, and then extracting out a band gap value. I vaguely recall that you can modify this sort of experiment depending on what you can measure and then appropriately plot and back calculate.

I also seem to recall seeing a number of various reflectance methods for measuring band gaps, but I am not familiar with them.
  • #3

Originally posted by AHolico
I just want to know the name of some of the most used techniques to describe or obtain information of how the band structure of the material is. Not by theorethical calculations, just experiments.

For example, let say I construct the following experiment. I put my sample on a heater and I put a fiber optic or a detector/photomultiplier to detect the photons that the material emits. Let say I have a good equipment that can diferentiate the photons by their energies, or wavelenghts. So in the end, by substracting the noise, the absence and the continuity of photon energy can tell me some information on how is the band structure of certain material. Right or wrong? If this technique already exist, how is it called?

One of the best technique at experimentally determining the band structure of the OCCUPIED side is angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). Such technique has been used to experimentally varify not only the band structure, but also the many-body effects on surface states of Be[1] and Mo[2]. This is especially true with the new technique of modern-day electron analyzer that allows for the simultaneous collection of both energy and momentum distribution of photoelectrons.[3] ARPES allows you to map the dispersion of each band (i.e the E vs. k values).


[1] S. LaShell et al., PRB v.61, p.2371 (2000).
[2] T. Valla et al., PRL v.83, p.2085 (1999).
[3] T. Valla et al., Science v.285,p.2110 (1999).

FAQ: Experiments to describe the band structure of bulk (solid) materials?

What is the purpose of conducting experiments to describe the band structure of bulk materials?

The purpose of these experiments is to understand the electronic properties of solid materials, specifically the distribution of energy levels within the material's band structure. This information is crucial for predicting a material's behavior and potential applications.

What techniques are commonly used to study the band structure of bulk materials?

The most common techniques include angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), and X-ray diffraction. These methods provide information about the energy levels and momentum of electrons within the material's band structure.

How do band structure experiments differ for different types of materials?

The experimental techniques used may vary depending on the type of material being studied. For example, ARPES is better suited for studying the band structure of conductive materials, while X-ray diffraction is more commonly used for insulating materials.

How do defects or impurities impact the band structure of a material?

Defects or impurities can introduce additional energy levels into a material's band structure, disrupting the flow of electrons and altering its properties. These effects can be studied through experiments that compare the band structure of a pure material to one with defects or impurities.

What are the potential applications of understanding the band structure of bulk materials?

Understanding the band structure of bulk materials is crucial for developing new materials with specific electronic properties, such as semiconductors for electronics or superconductors for energy applications. It also allows for the optimization of existing materials for improved performance in various fields.

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