Exploring Where Kinetic Energy Goes in a Closed System

In summary, when a ball is thrown on the ground, it gains kinetic energy but loses it due to friction with the ground. This waste energy is dissipated as heat, which is then dispersed everywhere in the closed-system of the universe. The kinetic theory of heat explains that this energy is transferred through microscopic vibrations and motions, causing an increase in temperature. However, due to the small size and mass of the ball compared to the Earth, the transfer of energy is not noticeable. The law of conservation of energy states that this energy conservation occurs in closed-systems, which is further explained in the book "Conservation Laws" by Benjamin Crowell.
  • #1
When you throw a ball in the ground you give it kinetic energy but because of the friction with the ground the ball come to rest.
Where is the kinetic energy goes?!
i know that the law of conservation of energy states that this conservation happened in closed-systems.
but anyone has ideas about where this waste energy goes if we considered the whole universe as a closed-system?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The friction energy goes into heat.
  • #3
and where is the heat go
  • #4
  • #5
BAsM said:
and where is the heat go
Everywhere. It dissipates.
  • #6
mathman said:
The friction energy goes into heat.

The kinetic energy that you give the ball (through throwing it) would disperse through many forms of energy; also suggested by russ_waters in the previous message. But I would not speculate that the main form of energy that the kinetic energy of the ball is dispersed to, is mainly through heat energy; due to the fact that it is not the main energy. I would like to outline that most of the kinetic energy of the ball as it hits the ground of the Earth, will in fact simply be transferred as kinetic energy acting upon the Earth in which ever direction the ball hits. Now why don't we notice this transfer of energy, or in other words why will we never notice a transfer of energy from the ball to the Earth? Well it is simply due to the size and mass of the ball compared to the Earth; the ball is just to small to create a large enough effect that is noticeble.:smile:
  • #7
Check out "Conservation Laws" by Benjamin Crowell available under creative common license.

FAQ: Exploring Where Kinetic Energy Goes in a Closed System

1. What is a closed system?

A closed system is a physical system that does not exchange matter with its surroundings, but can exchange energy in the form of heat or work.

2. How is kinetic energy defined?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. It is defined as one-half of the mass of an object multiplied by its velocity squared.

3. What happens to kinetic energy in a closed system?

In a closed system, kinetic energy can be converted into other forms of energy, such as potential energy or thermal energy. It can also be transferred between objects within the system, but the total amount of kinetic energy remains constant.

4. How can we measure the amount of kinetic energy in a closed system?

The amount of kinetic energy in a closed system can be measured using the formula E = ½mv², where E is the kinetic energy, m is the mass of the object, and v is the velocity of the object.

5. Can kinetic energy be destroyed in a closed system?

No, according to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted into different forms. In a closed system, the total amount of energy, including kinetic energy, remains constant.
