Factors involved in water evaporation?

In summary, the evaporation rate of water is a constant at a specific temperature, and depends on relative humidity and temperature.
  • #1
Does anyone know the formula that describes the evaporation rate of water?
I'm assuming it involves temperature, dew point, relative humidity and other factors. Thanks in advance.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
"The formula?" Depends on what you mean when you say "evaporation rate." "Rate" of evaporation equals rate of condensation when a liquid is in equilibrium with a vapor phase; that rate is a function of temperature ONLY --- there is zero net mass transfer between phases. If you're hunting for mass transfer rates in boilers, tea kettles, from goldfish ponds, you will start with vapor pressure (and Langmuir --- see Knudsen vapor pressure measurement), and add vapor volume exchange rates, vapor diffusion, surface area of the liquid-vapor phase boundary, and on, and on, in a nightmare transport problem.
  • #3
To be more precise, I'm looking for the net evaporation rate.
Since condensation and evaporation are both occurring simultaneously, i would like to know the net removal of water. Like i said before, this should depend on temperature and relative humidity.
If relative humidity is 100%, there should be no net evaporation of water since the the air would be saturated.
  • #4
This is taking on a meteorological flavor --- there are no doubt ad hoc "models" for wind speed, air temp, water/snow pack surface temp, ground temp beneath the water/pack.

Are you looking for a "first principles" approach, or reviews of empirical correlations? Listing the first principles factors isn't too much trouble, but actually applying them to calculate rates that even agree in sign with what is actually measured can be a real b####. Empirical approaches roll the known (but tough to handle factors) into fit parameters, and let you move on.
  • #5

i'm looking for both first principle amd empirical correlations answers. the latter is more important to me.
I would like to see the following graphs

1. net evaporation of water vs temp at 10%,30%,50%,70% relative humidity
2. net evaporation of water vs relative humidity at 10,13,16,20,23,26 degress celsius

the best would a 3-d graph
of relative humidity vs. temperature vs. net evaporation rate(mg/m2?)

a formula would be the best.
  • #6
Can't help you with the empirical stuff --- hit chem or phys abstracts for "systems, water-air." For first principles, John Margrave, Characterization of High Temperature Vapors, 1967 --- this is tough to find --- but is available through interlibrary loan.
  • #7
I am assuming that you just want to see if it can be done, not actually find the answer yourself. There are a couple of ways to obtain the answer.

First of all the evaporation rate of water at a specific temperature is a constant. If you wish to find the net evaporation rate, you need to consider water in a closed container. In this case, the vapor pressure, at any temperature will always be the same regardless of the volume of the container; humidity should not be considered as it is not pertinent. Vapor pressure signifies the net evaporation rate. If you place water in a container at a specific temperature, the evaporation rate is constant. Nevertheless condensation rate increases until it has reached the evaporation rate. The reason that evaporation rate is a constant at specific temperature is applicable to the maxwell distribution of kinetic energy at a specific temperature.

If you wish to find the vapor pressures of water at different temperatures consider the following equation which is a derivation of the Clausius-Claperyron equation:

lnP1/P2 = (40790/R)((T1-T2)/T1T2)

Remember that at 373K the pressure is 1 atm.

One way is to look up the maxwell distribution curve for water at a particular temperature. I am sure that by now we have the actual data correlation between temperature and kinetic energy distribution and even rate of evaporation. Ask any chemistry teacher and I am sure they will be glad to help.

Here is a rather practical way using general chemistry:

Using the above equation you can find the vapor pressure at any temperature of water.

Using Henry's law-c=kP-you can find the solubility which is c in mol/L dissolved.

This will reflect the rate of evaporation. Think about it.

I will check back to make sure everything that I said is accurate, it certainly may not be.
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FAQ: Factors involved in water evaporation?

What is water evaporation?

Water evaporation is the process by which water molecules on the surface of a liquid gain enough energy to escape into the surrounding air as water vapor. This process is driven by heat from the sun, wind, and air temperature.

What factors affect water evaporation?

The main factors that affect water evaporation are temperature, humidity, wind speed, and surface area. Higher temperatures, lower humidity, and higher wind speeds all contribute to faster evaporation, while a larger surface area allows for more water molecules to escape.

How does air temperature affect water evaporation?

Air temperature plays a crucial role in water evaporation. As the temperature of air increases, the molecules in the air gain more energy and are able to hold more water vapor. This allows for a greater rate of evaporation from the surface of the water.

How does humidity affect water evaporation?

Humidity, or the amount of water vapor in the air, also affects water evaporation. When the air is already saturated with water vapor, there is less room for more water molecules to enter, resulting in a slower rate of evaporation. On the other hand, drier air with lower humidity allows for faster evaporation.

How does wind speed affect water evaporation?

Wind speed can greatly impact water evaporation. When wind blows over the surface of water, it brings in fresh, drier air, allowing for faster evaporation. This is because the movement of air helps to remove the water vapor that has already evaporated, creating a gradient that encourages more water molecules to escape into the air.

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