Formatting Oddity: Issues with Bold Text in vB Code Help Section

  • Thread starter climbhi
  • Start date
In summary, The conversation is about formatting issues on a forum. The speaker noticed that in order to make text bold, they needed to use (B) instead of (b) as in the old forum. They also mention issues with writing subscripts and how it is commonly used on forums. However, they were able to make bold text using (b). Another person thanks them for pointing out this issue and expresses relief that their signature will still be bold.
  • #1
Just noticed this and thought I would point it out. In order to get bold text you need to put (B)text(/B) where the () are actually brackets. This is different then the old forum where a lower case b would work. However here a lowercase (b) gives not bolded text. Though I'd point this out becuase in the vB code help section it does not distinguish the fact that you need to use capital B's to make bold text rather then lower case b's. In fact the examples it shows are wrong.
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  • #2
Yes, there are some formatting problems.
I was unable to write any SubScripts (we used (sub) in PF 2.0 (with the brackets instead of () ), but now it does not seem to work !)
And as it is well-known, the SUB and SUP are used A LOT on the forums !

Edit :
I tried to write a bold text with small B's (b), and it worked well.
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  • #3
Thanks for pointing that out, because I always bold my signature. It would've been a worry if that didn't work!
<~~ Oh swell! The little me is still here!

FAQ: Formatting Oddity: Issues with Bold Text in vB Code Help Section

What is "Formatting Oddity" in vB Code Help Section?

"Formatting Oddity" refers to a common issue that users encounter when trying to use bold text in vB Code, which is a feature used for formatting text on forums powered by vBulletin software.

What causes the issue with bold text in vB Code Help Section?

The issue is caused by a bug in the vB Code system, where the use of certain symbols or characters can interfere with the ability to use bold formatting. This can be frustrating for users who want to make their text stand out or emphasize certain words or phrases.

How can I fix the issue with bold text in vB Code Help Section?

One solution is to avoid using symbols or characters that may trigger the bug. This includes using asterisks (*) or underscores (_) around the text you want to bold. Instead, you can use the [b] and [/b] tags to enclose the text and manually make it bold.

Is there a way to prevent the issue with bold text in vB Code Help Section?

Unfortunately, there is no foolproof way to prevent the issue from occurring. However, being aware of the bug and avoiding certain symbols or characters can help minimize the chances of encountering it.

Can the vB Code system be updated to fix this issue?

As a scientist, I cannot speak for the development team behind vBulletin software. However, it is always possible that future updates or patches may address this issue. In the meantime, users can use the suggested workaround mentioned earlier.

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