Fraunhofer diffraction integra theorem

  • #1

Homework Statement

This is not an actual problem, it is a general matter about the equation that describes the Fraunhofer diffraction;
So, for a given aperture(A), which is evenly illuminated from the left(let's say), the Electric Field complex amplitude at a point P(on the right-the screen) can be computed by the formula:

E[itex]_{P}[/itex] = K[itex]\int[/itex][itex]_{A}[/itex]e[itex]^{ikr}[/itex]dA,
where r is the distance from the surface element dA to the point P.

My questions concerns the fact that I have seen this integral being applied (in a physics book) to non-point surface elements dA, but to line surface elements(dA = Ldy).
The problem I see about this is that one cannot define a distance r between a point and a line-surface element.
The exact case was at calculating the diffraction pattern given by a rectangular (Width>>Height) aperture, and later for a circular aperture.
How is this possible?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution
