Which function has a higher growth rate: n! or 2^n?

In summary, the problem is that the two functions are growing at different rates and it is not possible to have a function that grows faster than another function. This is easily demonstrated by looking at the growth rates of the numerator and denominator of the function.
  • #1
Alright problem is pretty simple, I have two functions

f(x) = n!
g(x) = 2^n

Question is to show that g(x) = Of(x) through mathematical expression

that is show the growth rate of g(x) <= that of f(x)

The fact that this is true is fairly obvious, it's bigger for n>3.

Anyway my problem is I only know how to define n! as a recursive definition, so I'm not really sure how to demonstrate this truth in any kind of mathematical way. If you put both as a reiman product or whatever it's called (ie n-i for i=0 to n and 2 for i=0 to n) you have a function compared to a number.


2*2*2*2*...*2 (n terms)
1*2*...*(n-1)*(n) (n terms)

I don't really want to use induction since I don't think it's necessary or expected, and I don't really know how to do the inductive step since one of the functions has no variables.

Anyway any ideas? Or anyone know a non recursive definition for factorial so I can compare it to 2^n? heh
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  • #2
"2*2*2*2*...*2 (n terms)
1*2*...*(n-1)*(n) (n terms)"

But don't both have variables? Consider a function h(x) = g(x)/f(x) = 2^x/x!

isn't h(x+1) just h(x) * 2/(x+1) ? That would be your induction.. h(x+1)/h(x) obviously converges to 0 as x approaches infinity so you know that the denominator is growing faster than the numerator of h(x) as x gets very large.

Edit: Sorry I don't know what level of class this is for so I don't know whether to make this proof look nicer or not. Tell me if this is not what you are looking for.
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  • #3
I meant 2^n doesn't have a variable when expressed as a reiman product or whatever.

Well since I couldn't get a non-recursive definition of n! I couldn't do n!/2^n or 2^n/n!

This is for a 200 level class, and I don't really think we're expected to do induction in it (at least not yet) though I could be mistaken.

Anyway how do you figure

"isn't h(x+1) just h( x) * 2/(x+1)" ?? boggle
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  • #4
Oh so you're trying to do something with Riemann product notation? (pi?) Edit I see why you're saying there's no variable attached. Heh the only thing I can think of is that (n+1)! is (n+1)*pi(i, for i = 1 to n) and 2^(n+1) being 2 * pi(2, for i = 1 to n) but I don't get why this is such an impediment.

Edit again: ok so I defined h(x) to be 2^x / x! right?

h(x+1) can be expressed as h(x)*2/(x+1) because

h(x)*2/(x+1) = 2^x/x! * 2/(x+1)

= 2 * 2^x / (x! * (x+1))

= 2^(x+1)/(x+1)!

that h(x+1) = h(x) * 2/(x+1) would be sufficient to prove x! increases faster than 2^x but you keep indicating that induction is too complicated for the question and that there is a simpler way. Sorry I can't see one :\
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  • #5
Well I was trying that to remove the recursion problem but it didn't seem to help.

I was just trying different types of math expression to try to show this silly thing is true, reimann product seemed best suited for factorials.

I edited reply btw, but the part where you do

h(x+1) just h( x) * 2/(x+1)

... you sure about that? boggle.
  • #6
Read edit :)

Edit: I am very sure.

Well look at it this way: If you can understand the induction and pull it off, it will establish you as more clever in the class. I really can't see any way other than induction for this.
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  • #7
Aha! Can do it with le hospital's rule. Friend just figured it out, cuz

g(x) / f(x) = 2/n * 2/ (n-1) ... etc and as x approaches infinite 2/n = 0

0x = 0 so g(x) / f(x) = 0 which means f(x) = og(x)

woo. Annoying question mutter, thanks for help :)
  • #8
Klion said:
le hospital's rule

BTW I used to annoy the heck out of my calc professor saying that :) Sorry I couldn't help much.

FAQ: Which function has a higher growth rate: n! or 2^n?

1. What is a function growth rate?

A function growth rate refers to the rate at which the output of a function increases or decreases as the input value changes. It is a measure of how quickly the output value changes in relation to the input value.

2. How is function growth rate calculated?

The function growth rate is calculated by finding the ratio of the change in output value to the change in input value. This can be represented as a fraction, percentage, or decimal.

3. What is the difference between linear and exponential growth rates?

Linear growth rates refer to a constant rate of change, where the output value increases or decreases by the same amount for each unit change in the input value. Exponential growth rates, on the other hand, refer to a changing rate of change, where the output value increases or decreases at an increasing rate as the input value changes.

4. How do function growth rates impact real-world phenomena?

Function growth rates are used to model and predict real-world phenomena such as population growth, economic growth, and the spread of diseases. By understanding the growth rate of a function, we can make informed decisions and plan for the future.

5. Can function growth rates be negative?

Yes, function growth rates can be negative. A negative growth rate indicates that the output value is decreasing as the input value increases. This can occur in functions such as exponential decay or when there is a negative correlation between the input and output values.
