Green's function not self adjoint for self adjoint ODE

In summary, the Green's function found in the forum post is self-adjoint despite not being symmetric.
  • #1
member 428835
Find Green's function of $$K(f(x)) = (1-x^2)f''(x)-2xf'(x)+\left(2-\frac{1}{1-x^2}\right)f(x):x\in[cos(\alpha),1]$$
subject to boundary conditions: $$f|_{x=1} < \infty\\
f|_{x=\cos(\alpha)} = 0.$$

Two fundamental solutions are associated Legendre polynomials (after all, this is Legendre's associated ODE). These are notated ##P_1^1(x)## and ##Q_1^1(x)##.

To construct a Green's function for ##K##, we use variation of parameters. I omit details, but the Green's function I find is

$$ G_L(x,y) = \frac{P_1^1(x)\left( \frac{\tau_2}{\tau_1} P_1^1(y)- Q_1^1(y)\right)}{W(y)}:\cos\alpha<x<y<1\\
G_R(x,y) = \frac{P_1^1(y)\left( \frac{\tau_2}{\tau_1} P_1^1(x)- Q_1^1(x)\right)}{W(y)}:\cos\alpha<y<x<1$$
where ##W## is the Wronskian of ##P_1^1,Q_1^1## and ##\tau_1 = P_1^1(\cos\alpha)## and ##\tau_2 = Q_1^1(\cos\alpha)##.

My question is, why isn't this Green's function self adjoint despite the ODE being self-adjoint?
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  • #2

I would like to point out that the Green's function found in the forum post is indeed self-adjoint. This can be seen by taking the inner product of the Green's function with itself, which should result in a real number. Additionally, the boundary conditions are symmetric, which is a necessary condition for the Green's function to be self-adjoint.

The reason for the confusion may be due to the fact that the Green's function is not symmetric, i.e. G(x,y) != G(y,x). However, this does not affect its self-adjointness. The Green's function is self-adjoint as long as it satisfies the following condition:

∫G(x,y)f(y)dy = ∫f(x)G(x,y)dy

This condition is satisfied by the Green's function found in the forum post. Therefore, it is a valid Green's function for the given ODE and boundary conditions.

FAQ: Green's function not self adjoint for self adjoint ODE

What is a Green's function?

A Green's function is a mathematical tool used to solve linear differential equations. It is a special type of function that helps to describe the response of a linear system to a specific input or forcing function.

What does it mean for a Green's function to be not self-adjoint?

Self-adjointness is a property of linear operators in mathematics. In the context of Green's functions, it means that the Green's function for a particular differential equation is not equal to its own complex conjugate. In other words, the two equations obtained by interchanging the roles of the independent and dependent variables are not the same.

Why is it important for the Green's function to be self-adjoint?

The self-adjointness of a Green's function is important because it guarantees that the solution to the differential equation obtained using the Green's function will be real. This is because the eigenvalues of self-adjoint operators are always real, which in turn ensures the reality of the solution.

Can a differential equation have a self-adjoint Green's function?

Yes, some differential equations do have self-adjoint Green's functions. These are typically equations that have symmetric coefficients and/or boundary conditions. In general, however, self-adjointness is not a common property of Green's functions.

How is the self-adjointness of a Green's function related to the physical system it describes?

The self-adjointness of a Green's function is closely related to the Hermitian symmetry of the physical system it describes. In physics, Hermitian operators represent observables that have real eigenvalues. Therefore, for a physical system to be accurately described by a Green's function, it is desirable for the Green's function to be self-adjoint.

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