How Can I Record Multiple TV Programs onto My Computer's Hard Disk?

  • #1
Dear All,
What hardwares and softwares do I need to install into my computer so that I can record TV programs onto my hard disk?
And, I want to be able to record more than 1 channel's program.

Computer science news on
  • #2
I would get one of these cards:

or the tv-wonder series from ati:

If you want to record more than one show at the same time you need more cards.
  • #3
I recommend ATI's card. I have one and it works great.
Yes, you do need more than one card because you can only tune into 1 channel at a time due to the nature of the hardware. However, you will need software which can support more than one card at a time.
  • #4
Anyone used XP media centre for this?
  • #5
Anttech if you going to get that, your better off with a tivo
  • #6
No intention of getting it, was just wondering if anyone had actually used XP media centre :biggrin:
  • #7
I used my All-In-Wonder to record a show for a friend, then burned it to a vcd. The process could be better integrated (ie, no user input required), but it wasn't too bad. Quality was good.