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- TL;DR Summary
- How does the highest energy electrons diffuse to the p-side from the CB of n-side shift the entire band structure of n-side downward?
When an n-type material comes in contact with a p-type material to form pn-junction, electrons with the highest energy in the conduction band will diffuse to the p-side to reach equilibrium so the entire band structure on n-side will shift down relative to p-side as described in the following page and books:
NOTE: Scrolling to the next couple of pages and scrolling back if it says a page is unavailable
Section 3.4.1
https://www.google.ca/books/edition/Principles_of_Electronics/ciJW8A9mpIUC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=3.4.1 energy band diagram of pn-junction at equilibrium&pg=PA57&printsec=frontcover
Page 1024
https://books.google.ca/books?id=sDscEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA1024&lpg=PA1024&dq=why+conduction+band+shift+down+on+n+side&source=bl&ots=t0WO_TTp30&sig=ACfU3U20025MsjKjmORBXkw8p12aDyQzEw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlyajts5j6AhX1IDQIHf8hCewQ6AF6BAgtEAM#v=onepage&q=why conduction band shift down on n side&f=false
The 2nd book is stating that losing high energy electrons in the conduction band on the n-side will decrease the fermi level of that side because fermi level represents the average energy of electrons. The author defined fermi level as the average energy possessed by electrons participating in conduction in metals at T>0K on page 963 of its book:
https://books.google.ca/books?id=sDscEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA963&lpg=PA963&dq=fermi+energy+is+the+average+energy+possessed+by+electrons+participating+in+conduction+in+metals+at+temperatures+above+0k&source=bl&ots=t0WO-_-x5Y&sig=ACfU3U3JL57aLDbwKoguStMc-iIk-vdPcw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTm7z_zZ36AhW0Jn0KHQXnDc8Q6AF6BAgwEAM#v=onepage&q=fermi energy is the average energy possessed by electrons participating in conduction in metals at temperatures above 0k&f=false
I am not sure if this is correct and if not, how losing high energy electrons on the n-side decreases its fermi level and thereby decreases the entire band structure on the n-side?
NOTE: Scrolling to the next couple of pages and scrolling back if it says a page is unavailable
Section 3.4.1
https://www.google.ca/books/edition/Principles_of_Electronics/ciJW8A9mpIUC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=3.4.1 energy band diagram of pn-junction at equilibrium&pg=PA57&printsec=frontcover
Page 1024
https://books.google.ca/books?id=sDscEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA1024&lpg=PA1024&dq=why+conduction+band+shift+down+on+n+side&source=bl&ots=t0WO_TTp30&sig=ACfU3U20025MsjKjmORBXkw8p12aDyQzEw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjlyajts5j6AhX1IDQIHf8hCewQ6AF6BAgtEAM#v=onepage&q=why conduction band shift down on n side&f=false
The 2nd book is stating that losing high energy electrons in the conduction band on the n-side will decrease the fermi level of that side because fermi level represents the average energy of electrons. The author defined fermi level as the average energy possessed by electrons participating in conduction in metals at T>0K on page 963 of its book:
https://books.google.ca/books?id=sDscEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA963&lpg=PA963&dq=fermi+energy+is+the+average+energy+possessed+by+electrons+participating+in+conduction+in+metals+at+temperatures+above+0k&source=bl&ots=t0WO-_-x5Y&sig=ACfU3U3JL57aLDbwKoguStMc-iIk-vdPcw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiTm7z_zZ36AhW0Jn0KHQXnDc8Q6AF6BAgwEAM#v=onepage&q=fermi energy is the average energy possessed by electrons participating in conduction in metals at temperatures above 0k&f=false
I am not sure if this is correct and if not, how losing high energy electrons on the n-side decreases its fermi level and thereby decreases the entire band structure on the n-side?