How Is the Flux of Poynting's Vector Calculated Through a Surface?

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I have some problems in calculating the flux of Poynting's vector through a surface.
I have that:

S=c/4π⋅H^2⋅n (S: Poynting's vector, n: versor of the direction of the propagation of the em wave)

H=1/cR A'
but: A=(1/cR) d'; A'=(1/cR) d'' ==> H= (1/cR)^2 d''
==> S= (c/4π)⋅ 1/(cR)^4 d''^2 nI have to find that the result of the flux of S (I don't know through which surface) is:

dE/dt=∫S⋅dΩ=...=-2/(3⋅c^3) |d''|^2 (d is magnetic dipole momentum)

How is it calculated?
Thanks to everyone who will try to help me.