How to connect my Pc with 3 HDDs ?

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In summary, the conversation was about the importance of time management and setting priorities. The speaker emphasized the need to prioritize tasks and not get overwhelmed by a long to-do list. They also discussed the benefits of setting specific goals and using a planner to stay organized. Ultimately, the key message was to be intentional and focused in managing one's time.
  • #1

my motherboard has only 1 IDE connector, the cable can branch out to 2 Hdds, one slave and one primary.
i got another hdd, whenever i want to run it, i got to unplug the cable from one hdd and connect it to this one, it's very inconvenient.

how can i make my pc to connect to 3 hdds at the same time ?

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  • #2
Purchase an ATA adapter.
  • #3
Originally posted by BoulderHead
Purchase an ATA adapter.

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