How to use TSRES command in Ansys APDL

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I have a transient heat transfer analysis question where I heat a plate for a short duration and then evaluate thermal response.
The duration of heat pulse occurs for .1 seconds at time t = 1 second and thermal response time I would like to evaluate is 1 minute.
I use an Ansys APDL table to create heat pulse as shown below:
t = 0; HF = 0;
t = .99; HF = 0;
t = 1.0; HF = 10000;
t = 1.1; HF = 10000;
t = 1.11; HF = 10000;
t = 60; HF = 0;

I also create a TSRES_ARRY which is an ANSYS APDL array that lists exact time values where I want Ansys APDL solver to use during transient time run.
t = .99;
t = 1.0;
t = 1.1;
t = 1.11;

I then apply heat flux to face of plate and issue following command which forces transient solve to include times listed in TSRES_ARRY.

However, when I run the solver, I receive following error:
Increments between time points set by array TSRES_ARRY for TSRES must be larger than the initial time step set by DELTIM or NSUBST

I find that this error may be resolved by decreasing time step and max time step to 0.1 seconds. However, this makes the solver take a really long time as the time at end of load step is 1 minute and I am using .1 second increments to reach this time!

How can I force Ansys APDL to have a fine time step in beginning of transient analysis (first two seconds) and then use a more course time step for rest of analysis (from 2 to 60 seconds)?