Imaginary Playmates: A Look Into Childhood Mysteries

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
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  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
A peek into one of the most intriguing childhood mysteries reveals that imaginary playmates are a staple of early development and persist well into the school years -- later than researchers once thought.

"I'm beginning to think it never goes away," said Marjorie Taylor, head of psychology at the University of Oregon and a leading researcher on children's pretend play. "What I think is it morphs into a different form." [continued]

Most kids, sooner or later, come to realize their make-believe buddies are not of this world.

In fact, Carlson said, some kids grew concerned about the researchers' grasp of reality during probing interviews.
:smile: :smile: :smile:
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  • #2

Did those researchers never have imaginary friends when they were children? Maybe they were a bit abnormal, so don't understand what "just pretend" means. :biggrin:

I remember my imaginary friends from childhood, though I'm not sure if I really invented them, or if it was my grandparents. It was an ongoing joke for a long time between me and my grandparents. The imaginary friends were 3 frogs, named Bloop Bloop, Pollywog, and Skizmafraz. Each winter, when my grandparents went to FL (they were the snowbird type), they took the frogs with them. Eventually Pollywog and Skizmafraz dropped out of the picture, but Bloop Bloop traveled with them for a long time. We used to joke in letters to each other (you know, back in the day when grandkids wrote letters to their grandparents) where I'd ask how Bloop Bloop was doing and they'd write back all the trouble he'd gotten into that week. :biggrin: It was a fun game! Maybe we should wonder why my grandparents had the same imaginary friend I had! :smile:
  • #3
Quite interesting subject matter... Clive agrees, don't you Clive?
Clive says yes, but only I can hear him you see.
  • #4
All of my imaginary playmates were Bunnies. :wink:

  • #5
I have tons of imaginary friends. I play with them every day on PF. I am hoping that one day, like the Velveteen Rabbit, I'll love you enough that you will become real.
  • #6
I was never cool enough to have imaginary friends. :cry:
  • #7
Imaginary friends are overrated. Imaginary enemies are where things begin to get interesting.
  • #8
matthyaouw said:
Imaginary friends are overrated. Imaginary enemies are where things begin to get interesting.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Remember, even if you're paranoid and you know it, they still might be out to get you!
  • #9
That's why I keep my tinfoil beanie on a all times! Showering was tricky at first, but I think I'm getting the hang of the thing.