In your language a dog/cat says:

  • Lingusitics
  • Thread starter Monique
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In summary, different languages have different words to represent the sounds that dogs and cats make. Some examples include "woef!" in Dutch, "Hav hav" in Turkish, "vuh" or "hau" in Texas, and "ham" or "hau" in Finnish. Cats are often represented as saying "miauwuhh" or "miyav miyav" in various languages. Some languages also have different words for the same sound, like "jam" for cats in some languages and "yam" for cats in others. However, there is no universal word for the sounds that dogs and cats make, and each language has its own unique way of representing these sounds. There are also some humorous
  • #1
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A linguistic thread:

What does a dog/cat say in your language?

dog Woef!
cat miauw
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  • #2
uhh...I could say the names in my language:
cat: demet

this is in amharic, which is the official language of Ethiopia.
  • #3
In Turkish, you're taught that a dog says: "Hav hav"
and a cat says "miyav miyav"
LoL, it's funny, I've never actually heard a dog say "Woof" or "Yelp" or "bark"
  • #4
Dog: Vov-vov
Cat: jam (not jam, but yam with a long 'a' as in car. If you say yam,yam quickly many times, it becomes meow as in English).

My language, Swedish. Though I am Dano-Welsh originally.
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  • #5
Dog: Woof woof!
Cat: Pet me now, slave!

  • #6
By convention it should be :

dog - woof
cat- meow

here in TX, but I've never understood why, as my animals have always spoken to me in perfect english. (admittedly the cat sometimes lapses into latin when it's tired)
  • #7
dog - vuh or hau
cat- miau

Miau is pronounced exactly like meow and vuh almost like woof.

[edit] Oh yeah, the language is finnish.[/edit]
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  • #8
dog - ham or hau;
cat - miau;
  • #9
In Arabic , Dog : `Aauw
Cat : Miyaw

Good One Njorl :smile:
  • #10
Stupid Question

heres a stupid question:
Is time travel possible?

its a stupid question because we all kno that it is and how simple it is to do :D
  • #11

Originally posted by AtSchool
heres a stupid question:
Is time travel possible?

its a stupid question because we all kno that it is and how simple it is to do :D
I think someone's got the wrong topic :wink:
(unless of course, those are the words a dog/cat actually says in your language)
  • #12

(unless of course, those are the words a dog/cat actually says in your language)

I highly doubt they mention this subject in any situation other than one of extreme solitude and secrecy. After all, their joint monopoly of two-way time travel sets up the more affluent in their society for pretty cushy lives. Why risk spreading the information that could upset this system?
  • #13
our dog says: let me lap your face with my precious glam (aka doggie slobber)

our cat says: get that beast with the big fat tongue away from me...
  • #14
our dogs have always said "please please please scratch my tummy!" and our cats have always said "i am NOT a cat, thank you very much!"
  • #15
wel sometimes when i am really tired my cat remarks " hey, hey kid yea go get me some beer and some girls... don't gte you parents or i will kill you" then he bradishes a knife and i can't rember much after that
  • #16
In japanese dogs say "wan wan" with long a's as in car. Which I think is hilarious, it doesn't sound like a dog worth beens, but don't try telling a japanese person that dogs say woof or bark.

FAQ: In your language a dog/cat says:

What does a dog say in your language?

In English, a dog typically says "woof woof" or "bark bark". However, in other languages, such as Spanish, a dog may say "guau guau", while in French, a dog may say "ouaf ouaf". The way a dog's bark is represented in different languages can vary.

How do you write the sound a cat makes in your language?

In English, a cat typically says "meow" or "purr". In other languages, the sound may be represented differently. For example, in Japanese, a cat's sound is written as "nyan nyan", while in Russian, it is written as "мяу". The spelling and pronunciation of a cat's sound can vary greatly across languages.

Do all languages use onomatopoeia for animal sounds?

No, not all languages use onomatopoeia, which is the use of words that imitate the sound of the object or action they refer to. Some languages, such as Chinese, use a completely different written representation for animal sounds. For example, in Chinese, a dog's sound is written as "汪汪" and a cat's sound is written as "喵喵".

Are there any universal sounds for animals across all languages?

While there are some similarities in how certain animal sounds are represented across languages, there is no universal sound that is the same in every language. Different cultures and languages have their own unique ways of representing animal sounds, and these can even vary within the same language.

Can animal sounds be translated between languages?

Animal sounds cannot be directly translated between languages, as they are not actual words or phrases with a specific meaning. However, the sounds can be described or represented differently in different languages. For example, while an English speaker may say "woof woof" for a dog's sound, a Spanish speaker may say "guau guau", but they are both referring to the same sound.

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