Independent Component Analysis vs Single Spectrum Analysis

In summary, the implementation of single spectrum analysis and independent component analysis against a time series has resulted in nearly identical smoothed indicators. This is due to both algorithms identifying similar patterns in the data. To minimize retrospective adjustment, a larger window size and different processing algorithms can be used.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have implemented single spectrum analysis and independent component analysis against a time series (in this case the euro foreign exchange) as a smoothing indicator. The ssa algorithm I purchased from: Caterpillar-SSA - and the ica algorithm is fastICA from it++ open source software. In both cases the window size is set at 90. SSA has 6 principle components and fasICA has 6 independent components.

In both cases the time series is deconstructed into a matrix of delays before either the ssa or ica processing takes place. After processing the smoothed indicator is reconstructed using diagonal averaging. The strange thing is in both cases the indicators are nearly identical (not quite - observe at the very end where they diverge slightly). Should this be the case?
Also as new bars are added to the series both indicators readjust themselves retrospectively. How can this action be minimised or better still stopped in either indicator.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution



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  • #2
The fact that the SSA and ICA indicators are nearly identical is likely due to the fact that both algorithms are trying to identify similar patterns in the data. Since they are both based on matrix decomposition, they are looking at the same underlying structure in the data. In order to minimize the retrospective adjustment of the indicators as new bars are added to the series, you can try using a window size that is larger than 90. A larger window size will provide a more steady indicator and reduce the amount of adjustment that needs to be done. You could also try using different processing algorithms such as wavelets or Fourier transforms.

FAQ: Independent Component Analysis vs Single Spectrum Analysis

What is Independent Component Analysis (ICA)?

Independent Component Analysis (ICA) is a statistical method used to separate a multivariate signal into its underlying independent components. It is based on the assumption that the observed signal is a linear combination of independent sources, and aims to estimate these sources by maximizing their statistical independence.

What is Single Spectrum Analysis (SSA)?

Single Spectrum Analysis (SSA) is a signal processing technique that decomposes a time series into a set of elementary components, called singular vectors. These vectors are then used to reconstruct the original signal, allowing for the analysis and prediction of its behavior over time.

What is the main difference between ICA and SSA?

The main difference between ICA and SSA is their underlying assumptions. ICA assumes that the observed signal is a linear combination of independent components, while SSA assumes that the signal is generated by a few underlying processes. Additionally, ICA is typically used for multivariate signals, while SSA is used for univariate signals.

What are the applications of ICA and SSA?

ICA has a wide range of applications in signal processing, such as image and speech separation, blind source separation, and feature extraction. SSA is commonly used in time series analysis, including forecasting, noise reduction, and trend detection.

Which method is better for analyzing real-world data?

The choice between ICA and SSA depends on the specific characteristics of the data and the research question. ICA is more suitable for complex, multivariate signals with independent components, while SSA is better for univariate signals with identifiable underlying processes. It is recommended to compare the results of both methods to determine which is more appropriate for a particular dataset.

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