- #1
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Homework Statement
prove the triangle inequality ||v+w|| ≤ ||v||+||w||
if (ℂ, V, + , [ , ] ) is a Hermitic space where [ , ] is the Hermitic product.
Homework Equations
|[v,w]| ≤ ||v|| . ||w||
[itex]\overline{a+b i}[/itex]= a-b i (where i is the imaginary number, a+bi a complex number)
The Attempt at a Solution
||v+w||² = [v+w,v+w]. Since [v+w,v+w] = [itex]\overline{[v+w,v+w]}[/itex], [v+w,v+w] must be a real number. this means that the same rules will apply as in the inner product on the innerproductspace (ℝ, V, +, [ , ] ) ( true ?). so [v+w,v+w] = [v,v] + [w,w] + 2[v,w] ≤ ||v||²+||w||²+2||v|| ||w|| = (||v|| + ||w|| ) ²
this means ||v+w|| ≤ ||v|| + ||w||
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