Is AMD Athlon 3000+ a Better Alternative to Intel's 3 GHz CPU?

  • Thread starter Saint
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In summary, there have been reports of bugs and lower-than-expected performance with a new Intel chip. To address this issue, Intel has delayed shipments. Some recommend switching to the AMD Athlon 3000+ which is both cheaper and performs better. However, there may be confusion as there is also a 3.06 GHz chip that has been out for a few months and works well. It is suggested to consider getting an XP1700+ and overclocking it instead to achieve similar performance at a lower cost.
  • #1
it got bug, performs lower than expectation,
intel had held its shipment,
better shift to AMD athlon 3000+, cheaper and better.
Computer science news on
  • #2
Originally posted by Saint
it got bug, performs lower than expectation,
intel had held its shipment,
better shift to AMD athlon 3000+, cheaper and better.
Thats not the chip you think it is. The one just released is on a 400mhz bus - there is an existing 3.06 ghz chip that has been out for a few months and works fine.
  • #3
i think it refers to some batch of production that got flaws.
  • #4
I think get an XP1700+ and overclock it to 3000+ levels. Seriously, why pay more for faster when u can pay less !