Late for Work - Should I Rush or Play it Safe?

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In summary: Do any non Kanuks understand what...?)I see a great business opportunity here.HA... HAHAHAHA... people are dead you @)(!*()!*$This is better than my 'crazy genius' product idea.HA... HAHAHAHA... people are dead you @)(!*()!*$I'm with OBL?"I like muslim's" ought to do it"I like muslim's" ought to do it"Bombers Do it with 74 Virgins""My other car is a Detonator""Fruit of the Boom"In summary, if you are white and you are in a city on a
  • #1
Should i run to catch the train? Or play it safe? :rolleyes:
Physics news on
  • #2
Don't be silly.

If you are challenged by armed police, I'd suggest you do as they ask you, particularly if you're in a city on a high terror alert.
  • #3
mapper said:
Should i run to catch the train? Or play it safe? :rolleyes:
That depends; are you white or do you have dark skin?
  • #4
mapper said:
Should i run to catch the train? Or play it safe? :rolleyes:

why are you making a thread if your late? :-p
  • #5
brewnog said:
Don't be silly.

If you are challenged by armed police, I'd suggest you do as they ask you, particularly if you're in a city on a high terror alert.

especially if he just walked out of a terrorist hide out... have you just walked out of any terrorist hide outs? WEAR A T-SHIRT!
  • #6
Just bec carefully mapper. If armed guys come up to you, put up your hands and give them all your money - you never know they might be cops.
  • #7
Pengwuino said:
especially if he just walked out of a terrorist hide out... have you just walked out of any terrorist hide outs? WEAR A T-SHIRT!
Maybe the sign saying "Terrorist Hideout, Beware!" was off being repainted that day.
  • #8
mapper said:
Should i run to catch the train? Or play it safe? :rolleyes:

now you have excellent excuse for being late.
  • #9
Pengwuino said:
especially if he just walked out of a terrorist hide out... have you just walked out of any terrorist hide outs? WEAR A T-SHIRT!
The one with the target on it?
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
especially if he just walked out of a terrorist hide out... have you just walked out of any terrorist hide outs? WEAR A T-SHIRT!
I'm with OBL?
  • #11
"I like muslim's" ought to do it
  • #12
Smurf said:
"I like muslim's" ought to do it
"Bombers Do it with 74 Virgins"

"My other car is a Detonator"

"Fruit of the Boom"

I see a great business opportunity here.
  • #13
HA... HAHAHAHA... people are dead you @)(!*()!*$
  • #14
The Smoking Man said:
"Bombers Do it with 74 Virgins"

"My other car is a Detonator"

"Fruit of the Boom"

I see a great business opportunity here.
:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: This is better than my 'crazy genius' product idea.
  • #15
MaxS said:
HA... HAHAHAHA... people are dead you @)(!*()!*$
That's a bit long for a t-shirt.
  • #16
MaxS said:
HA... HAHAHAHA... people are dead you @)(!*()!*$
It woud have apeal with conservatives though.
  • #17
It's a great idea. let's think here, target market would be youths, college students and maybe even high school students. It would appeal to the goths and punks too due to the fact it would highly offend such a huge portion of the population.
  • #18
Smurf said:
It's a great idea. let's think here, target market would be youths, college students and maybe even high school students. It would appeal to the goths and punks too due to the fact it would highly offend such a huge portion of the population.
Well, I AM in China. How many do you want for a first run. :biggrin:
  • #19
The Smoking Man said:
"Bombers Do it with 74 Virgins"

"My other car is a Detonator"

"Fruit of the Boom"

I see a great business opportunity here.
My Personal Fave:

Reach out and touch someone​
  • #20
The Smoking Man said:
My Personal Fave:

Reach out and touch someone​
Jeez, these fakers on Xiang Yang market are very fast! I saw some near perfect copies already this morning next to the Adadis and the Tomy Hillfrigger:
" Fruit of the Shanghai real-estate boom"
" Bombers do it with 74 virgins but play safe and follow the one child policy"
"My other car is Chinese"

In the CD shops they sell "Bomb and circumstance" again.

I also saw a new line of "throw away" rucksacks. Padded Jackets were also abundant on the market, I heard they are genuine because of a Brazilian order that was cancelled.
  • #21
See you all in Belgium, where I'll be safe from you cynics!
  • #22
Fine. But you're not getting a cut of our profits!

We've got to have a "Got Jihad?"!
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  • #23
Bless you all, with what ever blessings you believe in...this thread has made me laugh till I teared up. The terrorist will nerver win.
  • #24
hypatia said:
Bless you all, with what ever blessings you believe in...this thread has made me laugh till I teared up. The terrorist will nerver win.
I have to admit, I teared up over 'Got Jihad!' too. :cry:
  • #25
The Smoking Man said:
I have to admit, I teared up over 'Got Jihad!' too. :cry:
Yeah, it's a great one. We can do it in bold red blood font overtop of a picture of OBL with a big grin/grimace on his face holding a big Nintendo-esque bomb (you know, the big black round thing with a fuse on top). It's a gold mine.
  • #26
Smurf said:
Yeah, it's a great one. We can do it in bold red blood font overtop of a picture of OBL with a big grin/grimace on his face holding a big Nintendo-esque bomb (you know, the big black round thing with a fuse on top). It's a gold mine.
Gotta work in a Milk Mustache though to go with the quote.

(Do any non Kanuks understand what the f* we're talking about? That is the Canadian Milk Marketing Board were quoting!)
  • #27
I don't know about the mustouche, we have to make sure we don't violate any copyright or trademark laws. But we'll go as far as we can.
  • #28
So did you make it to work on time or are you in the obituaries?
  • #29
Smurf said:
I don't know about the mustouche, we have to make sure we don't violate any copyright or trademark laws. But we'll go as far as we can.
Two buildings ... 4 billion dollars.
Two Wars ... about a trillion dollars.
A monkey for president ... Priceless.
  • #30
Change priceless to 'worthless' :biggrin:
  • #31
Smurf said:
I don't know about the mustouche, we have to make sure we don't violate any copyright or trademark laws. But we'll go as far as we can.
Goat milk of course.
  • #32
"Kalashnikov - Think outside the bomb"
"If life were like that... you wouldn't need a RPG-7 AT infantry gun"
"The bigger blower-upper"
"It's what your right arm's for" (any application really - no modification necessary)
"Please bomb responsibly" (oh how much fun could you have with that one!)
"Semtex gives you wings"

and my personal favorite:
"Bombers Wanted"
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  • #33
When words
just aren't enough​

Shoe Bombs
Just blew it.
  • #34
What Would Jihad Do?
  • #35
The Smoking Man said:
What Would Jihad Do?
That's a best seller if ever I seen one.

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