Mathematical framework of lqg against string theory?

In summary: Some of the newer techniques for studying string theory, such as loop quantum gravity, are still in their infancy and need more mathematical development in order to be useful.
  • #1
Gold Member
what the differences in the mathematical framework in the two theories?
i know i heard that the maths of string theory is of 21th century (which is now).
Physics news on
  • #2
because no one answered i have asked in the about the framework of string theory.
hope that answers will be given.
  • #3
You can't really talk about the "mathematical framework" of strings like you can with LQG. Like typical canonical approaches to the QG problem, LQG proceeds on the assumption that basing a quantum theory of gravity directly on the classical phase space and lagrangian of GR is valid right down to the Planck scale. This means that LQG is mathematically quite simple. In fact anyone that's completed one good graduate level course in each of QFT and GR will not need to upgrade their mathematical knowledge much to understand most LQG papers.

String theory on the other hand is a different animal altogether. For example, it's a unified theory of all interactions, not just gravity, it postulates the existence of more than three spatial dimensions in which live fundamental bodies extended in up to nine of them, and it's a supersymmetric theory.

This gives rise to an enormous variety of phenomena that require a similarly enormous variety of mathematical techniques to describe. Hence a great deal of mathematical study beyond what you'd see in even the most advanced physics courses is required to understand string theory. Further, LQG is a more or less closed theory by which I mean there's no evidence within it that there's a deeper theory of which LQG is only an approximation. Not so with string theory. We know for a fact that it's just a scratch on the surface of an all encompassing theory called M-theory, and moving towards it has required new mathematical techniques with the efforts to produce them becoming an important driving force in pure mathematics. So the mathematical framework of string theory is much broader than LQG and continues to expand at a pretty good clip.

Needless to say you probably won't see much discussion of string theory in this forum for quite a while - if ever - since the learning curve is so steep.
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  • #4
  • #5
Originally posted by selfAdjoint
Here's a review paper on Loops versus Strings

String theory is immeasurably deeper than LQG and this paper reflects that a bit more than others that have been recommended. The point is also made that any theory with a fundamental scale automatically predicts dispersion effects like those discussed in the context of LQG where such effects are attributed to it's modelling of spacetime geometry as being discrete.
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FAQ: Mathematical framework of lqg against string theory?

What is the difference between LQG and string theory?

Loop quantum gravity (LQG) and string theory are two separate theories that attempt to reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity. LQG is based on the idea that space and time are quantized, while string theory suggests that they are fundamentally made up of tiny strings. Additionally, LQG does not require extra dimensions of space, while string theory does.

Can LQG and string theory be combined?

There have been attempts to combine LQG and string theory, known as string field theory, but it is still an area of active research and has not yet been fully successful in producing a unified theory. Some scientists believe that the two theories may be complementary and may need to be combined to fully understand the nature of the universe.

What is the mathematical framework of LQG?

LQG is based on the mathematical framework of non-perturbative canonical quantization, which involves quantizing the gravitational field by treating space-time as a set of discrete, finite elements. This leads to the notion of a discrete space-time, in which space and time are not continuous but rather composed of discrete quanta.

How does LQG explain the concept of space-time?

LQG suggests that space-time is not a smooth, continuous fabric, but rather a network of interconnected loops. These loops form a discrete structure that can be described using mathematical equations. This discrete structure allows for a better understanding of the behavior of space-time at very small scales, such as those near the Planck length.

What are the main challenges facing LQG as a theory?

One of the main challenges facing LQG is its lack of experimental evidence. Unlike other theories such as general relativity and quantum mechanics, which have been extensively tested and verified, LQG has not yet been tested in a laboratory setting. Additionally, the mathematical complexity of LQG makes it difficult to make predictions and compare them to experimental data. There are also ongoing debates about the validity of certain mathematical techniques used in LQG and the interpretation of its results.

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