Metals: Silver Copper Alloy Density & e Value

In summary, the conversation discusses the usage and meaning of the letter 'e' in different contexts, particularly when used in scientific notation or standard index form for large numbers. It is used as an abbreviation for "exponent" and is commonly used in computers and spreadsheets for easier understanding and expression of non-integer values. The conversation also touches on the origin of this usage and the reasons behind it.
  • #1
Hi, just looking into metals and came across silver copper alloy having a density of 9900 - 1.05e4 kg per cubic metre. I have been told me that the value of e is (probably quite randomly) 2.71 and others said that it is an abbreviation for 0, eg. 1,000,000 could be written as 1e6 or 10,000 as 1e4 or whatever...can anyone enlighten me on the proper value of it. My sums just don't seem to be working out. An while i am on the subject why the need; if 1.05e4 = 10,500 then why not just write 10,500. Sorry, don't get it :confused:
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  • #2
'e' can mean a lot of things, depending on context. It does equal (roughly) 2.71 when you're talking about exponentials (perhaps you'll learn about natural logs soon?), but here this is not the case.

When dealing with large numbers (especially involving powers of ten), it is often used to write standard index form just as you exemplified, especially when using computers. In the case you're talking about, it does indeed mean that your alloy has a density ranging from 9900 to 10500 kg per cubic metre.
  • #3
that simplifies it, thankyou. am a designer not a physicist unfortunately but sometimes we need to know these things. cheers :approve:
  • #4

In the case you're referring to, the 'e' means "times 10 to the"

It's done that way because it's easier to get the information at a glance. This aides things significantly, especially when very large numbers are written.

Which is larger?

10000000000 or 100000000000

you need to count the zeros.

Which is larger?

1e10 or 1e11
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  • #5
Using e in the context of this thread started with computers and spreadsheets. It is a simple abbreviation for "exponent". Early computers simply did not have the ability to show exponents. So they needed something to replace scientific notation.

Scientific notation was and is necessary since due to the word size limits inherent in computers, it was required to express non integers. So what had been:
[tex] .123 x 10^4 [/tex] became .123e4, This is easily understood and clearly expressible in the limited fonts of the early computers. It has since become a recognize shorthand in the non computing world.
  • #6
Where did the "x" go...?Did u mean [tex] 0.123\times 10^{4} [/tex] or [tex] 0.123\cdot 10^{4} [/tex]...?I think so,but why use the "[itex]x[/itex]"...?

  • #7
just to irritate you Dex! :devil:

I doubt that it makes much difference to most.

FAQ: Metals: Silver Copper Alloy Density & e Value

What is the density of a silver copper alloy?

The density of a silver copper alloy can vary depending on the ratio of silver to copper in the alloy. However, on average, silver copper alloys have a density of about 9.0 grams per cubic centimeter.

How is the density of a silver copper alloy measured?

The density of a silver copper alloy is typically measured using a method called Archimedes' principle. This involves measuring the weight of the alloy in air and in water, and then using the difference in weight to calculate the density.

What is the e value of a silver copper alloy?

The e value, also known as the Young's modulus, is a measure of the stiffness or elasticity of a material. The e value of a silver copper alloy can vary depending on the specific composition and processing of the alloy, but it is typically in the range of 100-150 GPa (gigapascals).

How does the e value of a silver copper alloy compare to other metals?

The e value of a silver copper alloy is relatively high compared to other common metals. For example, aluminum has an e value of around 70 GPa, while iron has an e value of about 200 GPa. This means that silver copper alloys are relatively stiff and have a high resistance to deformation.

What are some common uses for silver copper alloys?

Silver copper alloys are commonly used in a variety of applications, including electrical and electronic components, jewelry, and silverware. They are also used in various industrial processes, such as brazing, soldering, and plating. Silver copper alloys are valued for their high strength, corrosion resistance, and electrical conductivity.
