- #1
Hi, has anyone here ever seen anything like this?
f = f(x,y,t)
g = g(x,y,t)
[tex]\frac{ \partial^{2}{f} }{ \partial {y}\partial {t} } } +
\frac{ \partial^{2}{f} }{ \partial {x}\partial {t} } }+
\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{x}}+f = g[/tex]
Personnally, my blood pressure has begun to drop dangerously. You can drop in a real constant by each term. Any info or sites on DE's with mixed derivatives would be helpful. Can any DE with mixed derivatives at all be solved analytically? A good direction for numerical solving would be helpful too.
If it's as satanic as it first seems, I'll probably do approximations to simplify my model.
f = f(x,y,t)
g = g(x,y,t)
[tex]\frac{ \partial^{2}{f} }{ \partial {y}\partial {t} } } +
\frac{ \partial^{2}{f} }{ \partial {x}\partial {t} } }+
\frac{\partial{f}}{\partial{x}}+f = g[/tex]
Personnally, my blood pressure has begun to drop dangerously. You can drop in a real constant by each term. Any info or sites on DE's with mixed derivatives would be helpful. Can any DE with mixed derivatives at all be solved analytically? A good direction for numerical solving would be helpful too.
If it's as satanic as it first seems, I'll probably do approximations to simplify my model.