Moon landing was true - how do i always win this debate?

  • #1
I hate having to defend the moon landing since so many people disagree with it. The best piece of evidence i can put forward is the mythbusters page debunking the skepticism

highlight of the page

mythbusters said:
The Apollo astronauts left behind special equipment on the Moon like reflectors that scientists can bounce lasers off of.


The Mythbusters went to an observatory equipped with a high powered laser. They first fired at the bare lunar surface but did not detect the laser bouncing back. Then they pointed the laser at a reflector left behind by NASA and received a confirmed bounce.
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  • #2
How about we send all of Earth's nuclear weapons to the moon and make this question irrelevant.
  • #3

But, such a debate is essentially unwinnable, at least against the harcore conspiracy theorists, since the Moon hoaxers don't deal in facts. They have a belief and nothing is going to shake them from it.
  • #4
Blenton said:
How about we send all of Earth's nuclear weapons to the moon and make this question irrelevant.

Please. We couldn't even make a crater naked-eye visible from Earth.
  • #5
Not with that attitude..
  • #6
Build your own spaceship and take them to the moon to show them all the empty crisp packets and toenail clippings that were left there.
  • #7
brewnog said:
Build your own spaceship and take them to the moon to show them all the empty crisp packets and toenail clippings that were left there.

And then leave them there... I think this thread has some promise now...
  • #8
negitron said:

But, such a debate is essentially unwinnable, at least against the harcore conspiracy theorists, since the Moon hoaxers don't deal in facts. They have a belief and nothing is going to shake them from it.
Negitron hit the nail on the head here. Since the conspiracy is about faking something and covering it up there is no evidence that couldn't, in theory be faked or covered up. So no evidence can convince them.
  • #9
Punching them works - not an accepted method of scientific debate but effective
  • #10
This is the way that works for me.Especially in these kinds of debates.
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  • #11
russ_watters said:
Negitron hit the nail on the head here. Since the conspiracy is about faking something and covering it up there is no evidence that couldn't, in theory be faked or covered up. So no evidence can convince them.

Yep, that's about it. The best way to deal with them is to roll your eyes at them, mutter, "Geez, you're such a moron," and walk away. To do anything else gives their claims too much credibility in their own mind, and another platform to spew their nonsense to potentially suck in more gullible, innocent bystanders.
  • #12
mgb_phys said:
Punching them works - not an accepted method of scientific debate but effective
  • #13
Oh, that's beautiful! :D
  • #14
As much as I understand his motivation for it, I have to say my opinion of the man dropped a few points after first seeing that.
  • #15
He's old, I'll let him have it.
  • #16
negitron said:
As much as I understand his motivation for it, I have to say my opinion of the man dropped a few points after first seeing that.

Really? In my eyes his respect level went up about 10 points. Aldrin was just like 'tell me if this is fake, *****.'
  • #17
What motivation do moon-hoaxers have for not accepting the moon landing?

I can see creationists/ID proponents rejecting evolution or the age of Earth because it conflicts with their literal interpretation of whatever creation myths they hold, but I don't understand the angle the moon-hoaxers are coming from.

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