Motion due to energy/formation of gravity

In summary, energy and motion are closely related as motion is the transfer of energy from one object to another. Energy causes motion through the laws of thermodynamics and the principle of conservation of energy. Gravity plays a significant role in motion due to energy by keeping objects in orbit. The formation of gravity is essential for the motion of objects in the universe as it creates the force of gravity. Various measures, such as speed, velocity, and acceleration, can be used to measure motion due to energy and gravity, and scientists may also use mathematical equations and models for more complex situations.
  • #1
there are a few thing that i am always boggled about, if it can be explained, can you please explain it?
why does mass move when energy is given? ( i mean kinetic energy)
or the same thing, but phrased differently;
how does mass move through space and time?

the second question is
how does gravity form? and how can is apply energy to distant masses?
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