Moving Through the 4th Dimension - Feasible?

  • Thread starter jlorino
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the existence and understanding of higher dimensions, specifically the 4th and 5th dimensions. The idea of a 4th dimensional being jumping over a cube is explored, with some suggesting that time is the 4th dimension and others believing that it is a dimension in itself. The concept of multiple universes and timelines is also mentioned, along with the idea of time being woven into all dimensions. One participant shares their theory on how time is perceived and measured, while another shares their artwork depicting these higher dimensions. The conversation ends with a discussion on the nature of time and its relationship to dimensions.
  • #1
in a 2 dimensional world a 3 dimensional creature would go over the line
/ \

How would a 4th dimensional being jump over a cube?
he wouldn't we move through the 4th with the box since it is time

i see the 4th dimension as only being time and no one being able to reside in that "realm".

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  • #2
well my diagram was messed up
  • #3
We live as a result of time. However we are unable to view time as a dimention. We know time exists due to the past and our present. Givin the opportunity to spring into the 4th dimention of time; we could then see the past,present and future, just as a 3rd dimensional creature can observe the every move a creature in the 2nd dimention makes. (forward,backward,or left or right).
  • #4
I think that if we tried to time travel we would end up traveling through a fourth space dimension and end up on a parallel time line.

  • #5
i think there are multiple time lines on the 5th dimensional axis
and multiple realms on the time line and each realms time line contains the past present and future for that realm and that realm only
  • #6
In general, I would say it like this. There are many 4D space/time continuums embedded in a higher dimensional space.

  • #7
How could you see into the future if the future depends on every bit of matter in the universe intereacting? wouldn't that defeat the uncertainty principle? Because you would know where everything was and everything will be, electrons included. Maybe there is a reason it is so hard to figure out time travel.
  • #8
4th Dimension Ink Art Translations

Well ok this is going to be a twist on the theory you have going here
but, I feel it is still important.

I have over the years created some Ink ArtTranslations by means of astral travel
it has been deemed 4d, being the gate to time and the experience from which it

so if you all can look at these drawings and tell me what you think besides
if they are pretty * smiles * how such properties may or may not apply
to something that has been in contact via non physical realm .
here is the purchase page because it has them all in one place ..

there is adirect page too: but you have to go through a few things to
find all the translations.

It has been a project for a long time and i am trying to get some understanding on what has been going on, I feel in some way this has happened thorugh a kind of folding unconscious space. I have a magazine with a detailed history

if you need info to understand more, just ask and I will aswer best I can.

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  • #9
i like the idea that there are many different universe's and each is a cetain movment .e.g forwards, backwards, left, right etc etc. and they all come togethr to make us that can do all the things in all the universe's but we may not know what else we can do.
  • #10
Can someone here list the dimentions?
  • #11
The 4th & 5th Dimension

Hello, I've thought a lot about the higher dimensions and I have some theories concerning it. I don't claim to be right on but I've drawn a diagram showing a simplified view on the higher dimensions. It can be seen in the Theories page on my Time Travel News page, which is called Space Time News, it is at:

Included on that theories page is a simplified description of the 1st 5 dimensions.

--- Razimus
  • #12
Jumping over a hypercube

jlorino said:
How would a 4th dimensional being jump over a cube?
he wouldn't we move through the 4th with the box since it is time

i see the 4th dimension as only being time and no one being able to reside in that "realm".


We are living in a four dimensional universe right now! (The fourth dimension is time or the space-time continuum) Of course we cannot see time in the way that we can see a line, a square, or a cube. Some people say that they can imagine a hypercube projection onto a two or three dimensional space. From my understanding, in order to be aware of the fourth dimension, my awareness would have to exist in at least a five dimensional reality. So, the question could be "How would a 5th dimensional being jump over a hypercube?".
  • #13
i believe that time is not a dimension in itself but that time is woven into the dimensions in which are bound to its constrants
-now roll with that
  • #14
Would you be suggesting that Time is a part of every dimension? And that one cannot excape Time?
  • #15

I think that the only time is Now. Now evolves and changes with varying duration. These changes/durations are what we perceive as time. This temporal perception of the ever changing Now is measured differently as to durations and intervals depending on the state of the measurement within the Now.

This Now cuts across all spatial dimensions so the perceptions of change/duration do also.

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  • #16
juju said:

I think that the only time is Now. Now evolves and changes with varying duration. These changes/durations are what we perceive as time. This temporal perception of the ever changing Now is measured differently as to durations and intervals depending on the state of the measurement within the Now.

This Now cuts across all spatial dimensions so the perceptions of change/duration do also.


I don't quite see how there could be a duration within the "now". Duration implies a lapse of time. If "now" exist in every dimension, then "now" is simply a point on any coordinate of n-dimensional space.
  • #17
jlorino said:
i believe that time is not a dimension in itself but that time is woven into the dimensions in which are bound to its constrants
-now roll with that

Time can be used as a dimension (such as relativistic space-time) or not as a dimension. It depends on what you are looking at and your perception.


or more specifically

For me, if space-time (there can be no three dimensional space without time) is not a dimension, then what is it? It is not just that time is "woven" into the dimensions (3D) but 3D space is woven into time. How the weaving works in n-dimensional systems is an interesting thought.

Let's keep it rolling!
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  • #18
its like a coordinate plane. now would be me standing here in this place in space-time at point (x,y,z,t)
  • #19
jlorino said:
its like a coordinate plane. now would be me standing here in this place in space-time at point (x,y,z,t)

Which also implies that "now" is where these coordinates intersect.
  • #20
Esnas said:
Which also implies that "now" is where these coordinates intersect.

Yes but you should be able to change coordinates, not be stuck with "this way is x, that way is y...".
  • #21
why can't it be?
  • #22

Doesn't the uncertainty principle(was it heizenberg or somethin like that...?) that said you can't know the exact position of an object and the time... i don't know too much, so excuse the stupidity :biggrin:
  • #23
I think your right about not knowing the exact because there is infinite amount of numbers between 1.0 and 2.0
  • #24
Esnas said:
I don't quite see how there could be a duration within the "now". Duration implies a lapse of time. If "now" exist in every dimension, then "now" is simply a point on any coordinate of n-dimensional space.

The "now" is a moving point. The duration or interval is how far the point has moved or how much it has changed.

  • #25
It is the 4D supercube that makes me understand somehow the fourth dimension. 16 corners and 32 sides. We can extend the number of dimensions as far as we want in this way. But the physical space seems to be 3 dimensional, with time being a different kind of dimension in which you cannot change the position as you want (backward or forward).
  • #26
hix said:
How could you see into the future if the future depends on every bit of matter in the universe intereacting? wouldn't that defeat the uncertainty principle? Because you would know where everything was and everything will be, electrons included. Maybe there is a reason it is so hard to figure out time travel.

because once you breach the 4th dimention you exist in all places at all times. you wouldn't so much be seeing the future as seeing the results of all actions ever.
  • #27
Noir Chronicles said:
Doesn't the uncertainty principle(was it heizenberg or somethin like that...?) that said you can't know the exact position of an object and the time... i don't know too much, so excuse the stupidity :biggrin:

it's more complex than that, it also says you can't observe a particle without effecting it and that you cannot know where a particle is and know what it's doing at the same time. I could be explaining this poorly.
  • #28
we are in three dimensions but live in 4.

I mean by this, that we can't accept time as a dimension because we are used to be able of traveling at free speeds and directions in dimensions. Some in this thread say we don't travell in time. Well, we do! but at a constant speed,. not even this is correct, because if we get tio very high speeds near speed of light, our time travell is slower, so we do travel in time.
  • #29
ramollari said:
... But the physical space seems to be 3 dimensional, with time being a different kind of dimension in which you cannot change the position as you want (backward or forward).
But you do change position along the t axis. We have even proven that we can change our velocity along the t axis. It's called time dilation and all the space missions must account for it in order to keep the computers syncronised.

What I think you mean is we cannot stop or go backwards along the t axis the same way as we can the x,y, and z. Special relativity prohibits us from doing that. However, we have gotten things to slow down quite a bit along the t axis in our colliders.

I think the trouble starts with the fact that time is like a pencil with it's point facing directly towards you. You cannot tell how short or long the pencil is unless you turn it to the side. The three spatial axis are like looking at the pencil from the side; it's easy to tell the length. But time is 90 degrees to space and that puts it right down the middle of our perceptions. We can't see it's length without turning.
So far, the only way we've been able to turn the pencil in any signifcant amount has been in our supercolliders.

Warning: Read too many of my posts and you'll end up staring at pencils and drooling.
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  • #30
jlorino said:
in a 2 dimensional world a 3 dimensional creature would go over the line
/ \

How would a 4th dimensional being jump over a cube?
he wouldn't we move through the 4th with the box since it is time

i see the 4th dimension as only being time and no one being able to reside in that "realm".

Why would they need to jump over a cube? A cube would have no mass for a 4dimensional being. They could just walk all over it or through it, just like you could walk through a 2d square traced in the air. Ofcourse that square might be the size of universes.
  • #31
jlorino said:
i believe that time is not a dimension in itself but that time is woven into the dimensions in which are bound to its constrants
I believe jlorino is right in that sense. As far as I've read from various authors describing multiple dimensions, notably Michio Kaku, "time" is considered a fourth temporal dimension, apart from the three spatial dimensions that we normally experience. Einstein used this principle of a temporal time dimension and took it into consideration while developing special relativity.

The three spatial dimensions are "spaces" where objects can move according to their allowed dimensional freedom. 3D creatures can move in the forward-backword, left-right, and up-down directions, as well as combinations of these directions. Similarly, with another spatial dimension added, another spatial direction is added. The reknown Charles Hinton, who promoted the idea of extra dimensions, went so far as to name these two other directions ana-kata, describing movement in the fourth spatial dimension.
  • #32
But Dr. Kaku also wrote that the mathematics of Maxwells equations all unify into a single symmetrical equation if you consider time as a fourth physical dimension.

This is evidence that time is not "woven" at all. I have reason to believe the difference is not with the dimension but rather with our limited perceptions. Without relative motion, I believe we are perceiving it at a direct 90 degrees so that we can only perceive a single point at a time.
However, when we start accelerating enough to produce time dilation, we perceive a swap between one physical dimension and time. But I have reason to think that what is really going on is that we are just changing our perceptions of the dimensions. Something similar to sin/cos functions.
If we were able to look down upon it from some 5 dimensional space, we would see simple rotation; nothing unusual at all.

Imagine yourself standing at the center of a sphere and time is "up and down" but all you can do is see left and right, forward and back. You would still perceive time, but only the single point you happen to occupy. Even if you were moving up, you could only see a single point (now). But if you were to pitch upwards, the subsequent exchange of one dimention of space with that of time would be very similar to the way we perceive time dilation.

Now think about this: a lot of our mathematics were constructed using measurements taken without consideration of any perceptual limitations.

If I'm right, then our measurements (and the mathematics) of space and time are all distorted because of our limited perceptions. They would match our limited perceptions, but they should simplify once we remove our perceptual distortions. If I'm right, most of the infinities and non linearity should drop out of relativity.
I suspect this idea may apply to several aspects of physics; electromagnetic propagation and gravity to mention a couple.

If you think this idea is wacked consider this: superstring theory requires that there be at least 6 more dimensions that we cannot perceive at all.
  • #33
This is not at all whacked out, but if you want to see how this approach is actually worked out - motion as "rotation in Minkowski spacetime", I recommend the book Spacetime Physics by Taylor and Wheeler. It does this idea up brown.
  • #34
selfAdjoint said:
It does this idea up brown.
That is a ... colourful ... phrase. Is it common in Wisconsin?
  • #35
Huckleberry said:
Why would they need to jump over a cube? A cube would have no mass for a 4dimensional being. They could just walk all over it or through it, just like you could walk through a 2d square traced in the air. Ofcourse that square might be the size of universes.

i'm referring to the extra directions you obtain by the fourth dimension
in 2d you can go forward backward left right
and if a 2d thing were encased in a box a 3d creature would go up and "jump" over the line
now i was asking how would a 4d creature jump over a cube or utilize the extra direction they posses in 4d

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