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Perche i nostri discorsi---Galileo quoted by Rovelli
"Dialogo sopra i massimi sistemi del mondo", one of Galileo's dialogs about science, contains this quote:
"Perche i nostri discorsi hanno a essere sopra un mondo sensibile, e non sopra un mondo di carta."
Because our discourses have to be about the real world and not about a world of paper.
Hey there, old Galileo! You made it into arxiv, on page 5 of:
thanks to ranyart for the link. Great modern dialog in the tradition of controversial dialogs on science issues going back to Galileo (if not earlier )
"Dialogo sopra i massimi sistemi del mondo", one of Galileo's dialogs about science, contains this quote:
"Perche i nostri discorsi hanno a essere sopra un mondo sensibile, e non sopra un mondo di carta."
Because our discourses have to be about the real world and not about a world of paper.
Hey there, old Galileo! You made it into arxiv, on page 5 of:
thanks to ranyart for the link. Great modern dialog in the tradition of controversial dialogs on science issues going back to Galileo (if not earlier )
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