Physics of Boltzmann Distribution: Solving Problems in Stat Phys

In summary, The Boltzmann distribution is a probability distribution used in statistical physics to describe the distribution of particle energies in a system at equilibrium. It is based on the Boltzmann factor, which takes into account the energy of a particle and the temperature of the system. This distribution has various applications in solving problems related to energy levels, particle velocities, and the behavior of gases and liquids. However, it has limitations such as assuming thermal equilibrium, no interactions between particles, and equal masses, which may not always be true in real-world systems.
  • #1
Physical systems are analog computers and sample their states according to Boltzmann distribution, this is what usually taken as granted in solving so many problems in statistical physics. what actually is the physics of Boltzmann distribution...anyone...?
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  • #2
Bol'tsman comes from statistics of similar (=indistinguashable) particles: n(E)=(exp(E/kT)+/-1)-1, plus corresponds to fermions minus - to bosons. In the classic case (kT<<E) you get n(E) ~ exp(-E/kT) which is Boltsmann distribution.

Statistics of similar particles is just a combinatorics (permutations and combinations), which in turn comes from arithmetic.
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