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Reading through David Tong lecture notes on QFT.On pages 76, he gives a proof on correlation functions . See below link:
[QFT notes by Tong][1] [1]: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qft/qft.pdfI am following the proof steps to obtain equation (3.95). But several intermediate steps of the proof are not clear.
**First question**
why we can write:
$$T\phi_{1I} \dots \phi_{nI}S=U_{I}(+\infty, t_{1})\phi_{1I}U(t_{1},t_{2})\phi_{2I}\dots \phi_{nI}U_{I}(t_{n},-\infty)$$
I mean after dropping the $$T$$ shouldn't we have?:
$$=\phi_{1I}\phi_{2I}\dots \phi_{nI}S$$$$=\phi_{1I}\phi_{2I}\dots \phi_{nI}U_{I}(+\infty,-\infty)$$
Does $$T$$ operate on the $$\phi_{1}\dots\phi_{n}$$ only or the $$\phi_{1}\dots \phi_{nI}S$$ and $$U_{I}(+\infty,-\infty)=U_{I}(+\infty, t_{1})U_{I}(t_{1},t_{2})\dots U_{I}(t_{n},-\infty)$$?**Second question**
How we convert each of the $$\phi_{I}$$ into $$\phi_{H}$$ using $$U_{I}(t_{k},t_{k+1})=Texp(-i\int_{t_{k}}^{t_{k+1}}H_{I})$$ to arrive at
$$T\phi_{1I} \dots \phi_{nI}S=U_{I}(+\infty, t_{0})\phi_{1H}\dots \phi_{nH}U_{I}(t_{0},-\infty)$$
**Third question**
Why we have
$$U_{I}(t, -\infty)=U(t,-\infty)$$
[QFT notes by Tong][1] [1]: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qft/qft.pdfI am following the proof steps to obtain equation (3.95). But several intermediate steps of the proof are not clear.
**First question**
why we can write:
$$T\phi_{1I} \dots \phi_{nI}S=U_{I}(+\infty, t_{1})\phi_{1I}U(t_{1},t_{2})\phi_{2I}\dots \phi_{nI}U_{I}(t_{n},-\infty)$$
I mean after dropping the $$T$$ shouldn't we have?:
$$=\phi_{1I}\phi_{2I}\dots \phi_{nI}S$$$$=\phi_{1I}\phi_{2I}\dots \phi_{nI}U_{I}(+\infty,-\infty)$$
Does $$T$$ operate on the $$\phi_{1}\dots\phi_{n}$$ only or the $$\phi_{1}\dots \phi_{nI}S$$ and $$U_{I}(+\infty,-\infty)=U_{I}(+\infty, t_{1})U_{I}(t_{1},t_{2})\dots U_{I}(t_{n},-\infty)$$?**Second question**
How we convert each of the $$\phi_{I}$$ into $$\phi_{H}$$ using $$U_{I}(t_{k},t_{k+1})=Texp(-i\int_{t_{k}}^{t_{k+1}}H_{I})$$ to arrive at
$$T\phi_{1I} \dots \phi_{nI}S=U_{I}(+\infty, t_{0})\phi_{1H}\dots \phi_{nH}U_{I}(t_{0},-\infty)$$
**Third question**
Why we have
$$U_{I}(t, -\infty)=U(t,-\infty)$$